CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work – 7/15/16

I’m off to Providence, RI today to attend the Perform Better Summit.

So no foreplay this week. Lets jump straight to the good stuff…

Dealing With Hamstring Injury – Mike Boyle

This may be an older article written by Mike; I can’t tell, he’s written so many!

Either way the take home message is clear: it’s NOT about the hamstrings.

And while you’re at it, do yourself a favor and pick up Mike’s latest book New Functional Training For Sport.

I Lifted Weights with the Man Who Helps Victoria Secret Models Get Toned – Amy Rushlow

Excellent article featuring my good friend, Ben Bruno. Ben’s like, THE “go to” guy now for celebrities and models out in Hollywood.

On one hand I’m super happy for him and how well he’s doing out there. On the other hand I fucking hate his guts….;o)

But for real: I can speak for the masses and say it’s finally nice to see “one of us” getting the right information out in the mainstream media. The message is clear: ladies, getting strong (in the right areas) is a good thing.

Next Level Jump Training – Bobby Smith & Adam Feit

In anticipation of the release of their Elite Athletic Development 3.0 resource coming out NEXT week, Mike Robertson and Joe Kenn have been providing FREE access to this video series all this week.

Here’s what it includes:

  • An Incredibly Simple (Yet Effective) Way to Prescribe Sets and Reps for Jump Training,,
  • What “Jump Zones” Are (And Why YOU Should Use Them), and
  • How Jump Training Should Fit into a Complete Training Program!

It’s a very refreshing break from most jump training systems that have athletes using speed ladders, weighted shoes, and setting unrealistic expectations.