Lets get right to things shall we?

Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff
1.Push Pull Legs Podcast
My wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis made an appearance on the Push Pull Legs Podcast recently discussing the psychology behind lifting heavy things, getting women to strength train, and training during pregnancy. She’s a superstar!
Check it out HERE.
2. The 3-Week Beginner Workout Plan
I was asked to contribute to THIS recent article on MensHealth.com detailing a beginner 3-week workout plan outlined by stud trainer BJ Gaddour with myself taking the reigns on what to do after the initial three weeks.
3. The Lifting Dead
I also had an article go up recently on BodyBuilding.com outlining the benefits of dead exercises. Namely, how the Dead Squat, Dead Bench, Dead Row, and Dead 1-Legged RDL can help you blast through sticking points.
You can check that out HERE.
5. I’m Coming to Vancouver
Dean Somerset and I just booked out first speaking gig together for 2017, and it’s in lovely Vancouver the weekend of April 1-2nd. We’ll be putting on our Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint workshop.
For all the deets you can go HERE.
5. COREssentials
And lastly, we’re getting prepped to launch our 6-week beginner course at CORE. Granted I’m biased but I feel this program is going to help a lot of people and help them get over the hump of being intimidated by strength training.
What will differentiate this program from others is that, in addition to the sick techno & house music the stellar coaching on teaching the basics, there will also be a nutrition and mindset component too. The idea is to meet up in 2x per week in a group training format with (optional) nutrition and mindset 60-90 minute breakouts every other weekend.
The course will start in a few weeks and there will only be 10 spots made available.1
For more information please use the Contact function HERE.
And on that note lets get to this week’s list of Stuff to Read…
Is Your Upper Body Holding Your Back Squat – Andrew Millett
An often overlooked snafu with regards to one’s ability to back squat well is shoulder mobility; or lack thereof.
In this article Andrew offers some excellent drills to help you be less sucky in that area.
Basic Anatomy of Stretching the Quads – Dr. Ryan DeBell
Ryan helps to break down the (basic) anatomy of all the quadricep musculature and how to more effectively stretch them.
IASTM & Foam Rolling: Do They Work How You Thought? – Dr. Jarod Hall
This is an older article (but it’s new to me). It’s awesome.
HINT: foam rolling does not break up adhesions and scar tissue.
Social Media Highlights
Next time someone tells me how dangerous deadlifts are, they’ll be immediately invited to my gym to show me what their’s looks like.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) January 2, 2017