CategoriesExercise Technique Program Design Strength Training

13 Ways to Improve Your Deadlift, FAST!

You could say I like to write about deadlifts. Well that, and zombies. Or zombies fighting ninjas. Or how adorable my cat is, which has nothing to do with zombies.

Oh, and speaking of cats……cats vs. zombies.

But mostly I like to write about deadlifts.1

In my latest article that went up on T-Nation today, I break down 13 quick-n-dirty tips that many people can incorporate TODAY and see immediate improvement in their lift.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Continue Reading….


2012: The Mayans Were Wrong and the “Best Of” In Blog Posts

2012 is about thiiiis close to coming to a close, and since we’re all still here (HA!….take that Mayans!) I thought I’d use the last day and highlight the ten most popular posts of the past year based off of the total number of visits/hits each received.

It was the best year yet for, and I can’t thank everyone enough for their continued readership, and more importantly, support.

If I could give every single one of a hug I would.  But not only would that be weird, it’s pretty much impossible.  Nevertheless, please know that I am repeatedly grateful to all of you and here’s hoping that 2013 bring us all happiness, love, and PRs!


Fixing the “Tuck Under” When Squatting Parts ONE and TWO

Almost resoundingly, by a few thousand visits, this was a very popular two-part post I wrote on how to fix the tuck under or “butt wink” at the bottom of the squat. I guess people like reading about squats!

All the Hype Behind Kipping Pull-Ups

I don’t know which is more controversial: CrossFit, the so-called “fiscal cliff” we’re about to nose dive off of, Hitler, or the three weeks worth of facial hair that’s currently on my grill (which is a record for me).

In any case, whenever you mention CrossFit, you can bet that the sirens are blasted, and people are going to come out in droves to express their opinion.

Here I take a firm (albeit fair) take as to why I’m not a fan of kipping pull-ups.

Glutes Are the New Biceps

Badonkadonks are where it’s at.  Nuff said.

Box Squats vs. Squat TO Box (Yes, There’s a Difference)

This was a topic of a staff in-service that I did where I discussed some of the (several) intricacies that exist between the box squat and the squat TO box.

As the title suggests, yes, there is a difference.

A Discussion: Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

The impetus behind this post was an email exchange I had with one of my female clients and a discussion we had on the differences between weight loss and fat loss. It’s a topic I feel many people can glue themselves to because we’ve all been there.

The information and logic provides are sound, but if anything else, what’s most impressive of all is my use of the word  flummoxed.  Seriously, gold star for that one!

5 Coaching Cues:  Deadlift 

I heart deadlifts. So it should come as no surprise that one of the 317 articles (slight exaggeration) I wrote on it should pop up in the top ten. Here I breakdown some common (and uncommon) coaching cues that I often use with my athletes and clients to help improve their technique.

The Perfect Warm-Up?

It’s a rhetorical question, because in the grand scheme of things any warm-up is better than no warm-up at all. Although, if I’m going to be a little biased I think this one is pretty money.

4 Things Your Girlfriend Should Know (Revisted)

I got in a little hot water after posting this article earlier in the year.  You would think, after reading some of the comments I received, that I made a case for why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote!

99% of the people “got” the message:  how the fitness industry panders to women is a complete joke, and there’s a massive double standard: men should lift weight, women should take yoga class.

1% actually hate my guts.  Whatever.

A Girlfriend’s Response 

And wouldn’t you know it, my own girlfriend, Lisa,  came to my rescue like a knight in shining armor.

19 Tips for the Deadlift

I told you really, really like the deadlift.

See you next year!



19 Tips for the Deadlift

1. Read THIS.  It will change your life.  Well, not really.  But at the very least it will (hopefully) clean up your technique.

2. Wolff’s Law and Davis’s Law. You can’t discount physics. The former states that bone in a healthy person or animal will adapt to the loads it is placed under. The latter states the same thing, except with regards to soft tissue.

Deadlifting = strong bones + soft tissue. You need a minimal essential strain (MES) in order for tissue to adapt. Likewise, in order to strengthen tissue, you need to load it. Sorry, but your cute little leg extensions and leg curls aren’t going to get the job done.

3. I’m biased. You’d be hard pressed to convince me otherwise that the deadlift isn’t one of the best overall exercises for hypertrophy, not to mention the best functional exercise you can do with respects to posterior chain strength, core stability, glute activation, power development, and transference of force throughout the entire body.

And lets not forget: a heavy set of deadlifts will make any woman within a two-block radius spontaneously conceive. True story.

4.  Deadlifts done incorrectly are horrible for your spine. I can’t argue with that.  However, when done correctly – with a neutral spine and proper hip hinge – they’ll do more as far as “bullet proofing” the body than any other exercise.

5.  Speaking of the hip hinge.  This is an excellent drill to learn to groove it.  Just make sure to maintain three point of contact throughout – back of the head, between the scapulae, and the sacrum.  If at any point the stick comes off loses contact with the body, you’re doing it wrong.

6.  Make sure to finish with your hips (hump the bar) with every rep.  One of the biggest mistakes I see trainees make is that they don’t finish the rep with their glutes – their butt just kinda sticks out J-Lo style.

Squeeze those bad boys at the top.  Deadlifts teach the glutes to share the load which will also help spare the spine.

7.  Conversely, at the other end of the spectrum, you have those who compensate with lumbar hyperextension for hip extension:

Yeah, um, don’t do that.

I like to tell people to “finish” with the glutes or to “stand tall.”  Those cues seem to work well for most, but not everyone.

In any case, here’s what a proper “finish” should look like.

Very sexy.

8.  Not every deadlift variation is created equal.  Pick the one that’s right for you.  What’s so great about deadlifts are that they can easily be conformed or “tweaked” to fit the needs of the lifter, and not vice versa.

Trap Bar Deadlifts

– Fantastic for beginners due to less shear loading on spine (center of gravity is INSIDE the bar).

– Elevated handles make it easier for those with hip flexion/ankle restrictions

– MUCH easier to maintain neutral spine due to the bar placement.

SUMO Deadlifts

– Excellent choice for those with mobility restrictions.

– Guys who are built to squat and bench (alligator arms, long torsos) like this version – because they don’t have to work so hard to get as low.

– Wider stance, toes out = easier to maintain neutral spine.

CAVEAT:  these tend to eat up people’s hips, so I’d be reluctant to include them for more than a few weeks at a time.

Conventional Deadlift

– Although it’s the most recognized, it’s also the most advanced variation (more shear loading on the spine, center of gravity more anterior).

– Trainee MUST have ample ankle, hip, and thoracic mobility in order to get into proper position. If they don’t (which is a lot if you), then tweak the lift as needed either by elevating the bar on mats or maybe reverting to rack pulls.

– Lack of the above will inevitably lead to lumbar flexion, which is a major no-no when using significant loads.

9. I really feel the ideal rep scheme to teach deadlifts is in the 3-5 rep range.  Anything more and technique goes to the crapper and it takes every ounce of will power I have not to want to throw myself in front of a bus.


Seriously, stop.

10.  For those who have a little more experience, 5×5 ain’t gonna cut it forever.  If you want to get strong – I mean REALLY strong – you HAVE to include more singles and doubles into the mix.

More specifically, including more lifts at or above 90% (of 1RM) will almost certainly help.

In a nutshell, lifting maximal weight (90%+) has a number of effects:

– Maximum number of motor units are recruited.

– Fastest MU’s are activated.

– The discharge frequency (rate coding) is increased.

– Activity is synchronous.

– Improved coordination between synergistic muscles.

– Potential for future hypertrophy gains. Ie:  loads that used to be heavy are no longer heavy.

– Increased serum testosterone levels.

– Girls will want to hang out with you.  Not proven by science, but it just makes sense.

11.  As far as how to go about setting up a training session utilizing the 90% protocol, here’s the general idea:

Assuming original PR is 300 pounds, the goal for this training session is to get five lifts at 90% and above.

305×1 (PR! But it was a grinder. The girl on the elliptical is impressed though.)

At this point the trainee has already gotten two lifts above 90% (275, 305), which would mean he needs to get three more lifts in to get to the goal of five. The objective now is to stay at or slightly above 90% (usually in the 90-92% range) and focus on bar speed and NOT missing any lifts.


Follow this with a few fist pumps, pound a protein shake, and then hug someone.

12. Take your shoes off when deadlifting.  Doing so will get you closer to the ground (less distance the bar has to travel), as well as help engage the glutes and hamstrings more (which is what you want anyways).

13. I’ve stated in the past (HERE) that when it comes to weight belts, they should be reserved for more maximal effort lifts. I’m starting to change my mind on this one a bit.  With regards to teaching trainees to “feel” what it’s like to increase intra-abdominal pressure – as well as to teach them get more of a 360 degree expansion – I think utilizing a (loosely fit) weight belt would be ideal here.

Bill Hartman explains this in a little more detail here:

14.  Do you have a hard time deadlifting without rounding your back?  Maybe you need to stiffen it up! Read THIS.

15. For those too lazy to click the link, essentially all I said was to implement more upper back work – horizontal rows – into your weekly repertoire.

Oftentimes the back rounds because it’s weak.  Fix it!

16.  Along the same lines, we can’t discount poor t-spine mobility.  You need to HAMMER it on a daily basis – especially those who are sitting in front of their computers upwards of 10+ hours a day.

17. Include more single leg work into the mix as well.  Oftentimes, especially when working with beginners, a huge monkey wrench that becomes readily apparent is that they have poor kinesthetic awareness.  You can tell them to arch their back all you want, but if they don’t have proper body awareness, you might as well pound you head into a brick wall.

To that end, when coaching cues don’t work, maybe it’s wiser to take a step back from deadlifts and just throw in more single leg work.  Doing so will undoubtedly help get them stronger, but also improve hip stability and core stability to boot.

After a few weeks, try deadliftng again, and I can almost guarantee they’ll nail it.

In reality, though, including more single leg work in general is never a bad idea.

18.  Slow people down!!!! When performing deadlifts, I like to tell people that each rep is its own set.  Meaning, when they pull the bar off the ground, lock it out, and then descend back to the floor, tell them to rest for a second or two (after all, it is a DEADlift, not a bouncelift) and re-adjust their spinal position, get their air, and properly set up for the next rep.

Instead of thinking of it as a set of five repetitions.  Think of it as a set of five separate singles.

19. And finally, watch this video.  I wore my glasses, so I obviously know what I’m talking about.