CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7-22-16

I man of few words today, so lets jump right into this weeks list of stuff to read.

Elite Athletic Development 3.0 – Mike Robertson & Joe Kenn

Today’s the last day to save $100 off this 10 DVD set.

Mike and Joe are two of the most respected coaches in strength and conditioning, and there’s a reason why there is a 3rd edition of this seminar.

Lets put it like this: The Godfather III? Horrible. The Matrix Revolutions? Uhg. EAD 3.0? Baller.

If you’re a S&C coach, personal trainer, physical therapist, athletic trainer, or just someone who likes to toss heavy things around this is a must have resource.

You Got Guru’d: Max Relative Trap Bar Deadlift Strength – Bret Contreras

I have high doubts the coach in question who’s commentary sparked this article written by Bret did so with ill intent or had some sort of nefarious “game plan” to bamboozle people.

I 100% believe he gets results for his athletes, and does so in a safe manner.

HOWEVER – when something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Thanks for writing this Bret.

Why I Keep Coming Back to Kettlebells – Max Shank

Max is a freak of nature. He’s the guy who can deadlift 500 for reps, follow that with a few back flips and splits, and then follow that with tapping out a gorilla.

He possesses quite the eclectic training background, and isn’t afraid to use a variety of tools and methods. In this post he explains why he continues to gravitate towards the KB.

CategoriesInterview podcast Product Review

Podcast, Cats, and Jump Training, Oh My

It’s a beautiful, sunny day here in Boston so this one is going to be quick.

1. Here’s a Picture of My Cat.

This was taken ten minutes ago, which demonstrates three things:

  • I’m 100% certain I was a crazy cat woman in a past life. Who’s the beautiful, beautiful Princess?
  • It is, in fact, a sunny day today.
  • My cat is like WTF!?!

2. Listen to My Latest Podcast Appearance

I made another appearance on the DeLeo Training Podcast recently. It’s always an honor to be invited onto any show, let alone for a second time in a matter of a few months.

This time around Joe and I discuss the importance of coaches having their own coach, the advantages of percentage based training, and why strength is the foundation for pretty much everything.

Except for being able to slay on a guitar. You don’t need a big deadlift to be able to do that.


3. Jump Training 101

In anticipation of the release of their Elite Athletic Development 3.0 resource next week, Mike Robertson and Joe Kenn are sharing some killer FREE content this week.

During the seminar itself they filmed strength coaches Bobby Smith and Adam Feit (<– a featured guest poster on this site) discuss their approach to jump training.

You can watch PART I of their presentation on Vertical Jump Training by going HERE. All you need to do is enter your name and email and you’re all set.

Trust me: Bobby and Adam cover a ton of material that is sure to help you and/or your athletes leap over boxes, cars, volacanos, but probably just boxes.

Don’t worry, Mike and Ken won’t spam you. Because, you know, they’re not a-holes.