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Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 11/18/16

Lets jump right into it.

Copyright: maglara / 123RF Stock Photo

Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1. Hey, hey, hey…it’s my wife’s Birthday tomorrow. Anyone who knows Lisa well knows how much she loves b-days.


Year 36 was a huge year for her. It was her first FULL year of life being married, which was excellent of course. She traveled with me to Europe, twice. Also excellent. And she’s currently busy building a human being inside her. Like, whoa.

In addition, she started to make some waves within the fitness industry this past year. She’s made numerous appearances on several health/fitness podcasts, our Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop we do together became a thing (NOTE: we’re taking requests for 2017), and she and Artemis Scantalides are building something special with their I Am Not Afraid to Lift workshops.

In fact, the two of them (along with Julia Ladewski) are putting on a stellar retreat in Arizona next year.

It’s designed by women for women.

If you’re a woman and interested in being surrounded by other like-minded women in learning anything and everything with regards to kettlebell training, the barbell lifts, nutrition, and mindset strategies…this event is going to be right up your alley.

You can go HERE to check out more details.

And finally……LISA JOINED FACEBOOK in 2016! You can go HERE and “friend” her if you want. I’m sure she’d love a b-day shout out.

2. I also wanted to take the opportunity to remind people about the Pedestal Footwear Kickstarter that’s currently underway. I’m a big fan and fully support their product and mission.

They’re only three-days in and 80% towards their goal. Amazing stuff.

Take a look….

3. One more day down until the premier of Rogue One. Not that I’m excited or anything.

And now, the stuff you should read….

6 Reasons You Should Care About Your Poop Health – Krista Scott-Dixon

As if I could resist sharing something like this.

Despite my cheeky, juvenile tone…this is actually a very serious topic and wonderful article explaining what it means when your poop looks a certain way. It actually tells you a lot.

There Is No Such Thing As a “Girl” Version of an Exercise – Meghan Callaway

I think the title says it all.

Fit Pros: the words you use matter.

The easiest culprit to toss under the bus here is the “girl” push-up. I hate, nay, I fucking hate the connotation it breeds.

“Oh, you’re a girl, you’re weak and frail, so we’re going to do this (shitty) exercise instead.”

No, stop it.

How to Be a Good Fitness Writer – Erica Sutter

I’m a sucker for energy drinks, Star Wars references (obviously), deadlift videos, and articles about writing.1

I found this article to be brilliant in its simplicity.

No other way to summarize than to quote Erica directly from an exchange we had the other day when I said how much I enjoyed this article:

“No easy answer but just to write, screw up, and get better!”

BTW: About the only other way the picture above could be more staged (perfect posture, smiling, cup of coffee within arms reach) is if Erica had a copy of Stephen King’s “On Writing” underneath the cup of coffee. Pffft, amateur….;o)

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CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/28/16

Forgive the visual, but I’m doing everything I can not to destroy the back of my pants right now. T-Minus 3 days until the launch of the Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint. (<- that’s the actual site).

Check it out. DO IT.


I’m excited, of course. I mean, hello: First fitness product.1

This is a resource I feel is going to help any fitness pro who works with anyone with shoulders and hips (Read: everyone) better hone their skills with assessment and program design. Having the opportunity to help others on a more of a mass scale is pretty cool. I’m also excited because I’m expecting to win an Academy Award.

If not for Best Presentation on Scapular Upward Rotation definitely for Best Biceps in a Smedium T-Shirt.

I’m nervous, too.

I think anytime you put yourself out there, whether it’s writing your first blog or producing your first fitness resource, there’s an inherent feeling of “WTF did I just do?” that washes over you and you want nothing more than to curl up in the corner of a room in the fetal position.

I mean, what if no one likes it? What happens if the site crashes? Or, what if, oh shit, what if there’s some sort of glitch in the videos where we have some sort of situation like what happens in The Ring?



Needless to say, next week is going to be huge. I can’t wait.

Some Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1) I’m heading into Week #4 of John Rusin’s Functional Hypertrophy Training program. Faaaaaaaaaaaack that guy.

It’s definitely been a change of pace for me with the high(er) rep approach, but that’s a good thing. It’s been years since I’ve performed a high-volume based program, and what’s more John designed it to be joint friendly, and it’s been exactly that.

I hate him, but I love him.

If you’d like to jump in on the action go HERE and then use the code TG10 to save a little money off your purchase. Lets get jacked (and commiserate) together…;o)

2) The Strong Women Lift Each Other Up video series by Girls Gone Strong will disappear after this Sunday, October 30th.

20+ hours of presentations and hands-on demonstrations from the entire GGS Advisory Board, along with Dr. Susan Kleiner, Dr. Krista-Scott Dixon, Ingrid Marcum, Elsbeth Vaino, Marni Sumbal, and Jennifer Vogelgesang-Blake.

It’s made by women, for women.

The information is all female-specific and covers everything from carbohydrate intake to menopause to pelvic floor dysfunction to body embracement and personal power. And there’s a fair bit of discussion on lifting heavy things too…;o)

You can go HERE for more details.

Like I said, it won’t be available after this weekend…..sooooooo……..

3) My wife and I bought a crib last weekend. Shit’s getting real.

Fitness Professional vs. Fitness Celebrity: Who to Follow – Erica Sutter

I’ll give you hint: it’s not the celebrities…..;O)

Awesome rant from Erica.

Also, side note: I should totally write an ebook about how to deadlift cats. (<– click the link and read the article and this will make sense).

Mobility Myths: Scapular Winging – Dr. Quinn Henoch

I know I swear a lot on this site, and I apologize. But when I say an article/video is fucking good, it’s fucking good.


Simple Analogies to Use When Coaching the Deadlift to Beginners – Nancy Newell

Analogies are a coach’s best friend. Cressey Sports Performance coach, Nancy Newell, shares some of her favorites when working with beginners on the deadlift.


I see many of my colleagues doing this and figured I’d jump in on the action. You know, cause I’m important.

