
7 Fat Loss Essentials

With it being Veteran’s Day today, I just wanted to give a heartfelt THANK YOU to any current (or past) servicemen or servicewomen who may be reading this.  Your courage, bravery, and dedication to keeping us safe is unparalleled – again, thank you!!!!

I don’t really have any content planned for today since a bunch of the CP crew have a shortened day today and we’re all heading down to the South Shore for a client’s wedding.  And yes, in case you’re wondering, that totally means I’m busting out my robot on the dance floor.

Luckily, though, my good friend Dr. Mike Roussell just released a FREE webinar yesterday titled, 7 Fat Loss Essentials.  Now, if that title doesn’t pique your interest, I don’t know what will.  Well, okay, it could have said something like 7 Reasons Why Kate Beckinsale Should Challenge Jessica Alba to a Mud Wrestling Fight, but that’s just crazy talk and totally not even relevant.

……but I digress.

I’ve known Dr. Mike for a few years now, and have grown to really appreciate his approach to nutrition.  In fact, not too long ago I asked if he’d write up a personalized nutrition plan for my girlfriend before we headed down to Florida for vacation.  Not only did he write it, but he aptly titled it The She-Ra Diet Plan.  Awesome.

Anyways, Dr. Mike knows a thing or two about fat loss, and I think he provides some useful information that can help a lot of people and provide some great insight as to why many never get the results they want.  Check out the link below (dude, it’s free).

And with that, have an awesome weekend!

====> 7 Fat Loss Essentials <====