CategoriesFat Loss

The Forgotten Keys to Fat Loss

I don’t consider myself a “fat loss” guy per se.  I spend the majority of my days working with athletes ranging from high school all the way to the professional ranks helping them move better, run faster, lift more weight, throw harder, or whatever their respective sport may be, I just try to help them become a little bit more awesome compared to when they first walk through our doors at Cressey Performance.

This isn’t to say that some of the athletes that show up don’t need to get rid of that spare tire around their waist. But in the grand scheme of things, when it comes to fat loss, the only time I really place an emphasis on it – or at least go out of my way to make it a priority – is when I work with general population clients who come to the facility to get their ass kicked to get their sexy on.

It’s with that in mind that I recently wrote an article for which sheds light on two forgotten components of fat loss – directed specifically to those people who are frustrated that, despite being inundated with a literal avalanche of information on the topic, are still fighting the battle of the bulge.

Two favors, if I may:

1.  Read the article HERE.


HERE (<— In case you needed bigger letters).

2.  Once you read it, and if you thought it was pretty baller, please “Like” it  on Livestrong’s page. Or Tweet it.  Or better yet, do both!  I want to send a message to them that the empire are a loyal bunch.

If you don’t like it, that’s cool. I’ll just remember that the next time you need help moving into your new apartment.

Or the next time you need to borrow some money because you happened to “forget your wallet.”

Or the next time you need affirmation that the girl you’re currently dating isn’t some uppity skank who thinks she’s better than everyone else.


*slams bedroom door*

3. In all seriousness, though, I’d appreciate any feedback or insight or opinions on the article.  Thanks everyone!