Categoriesmindset Program Design psychology

10 Suggestions On Your Quest For Sustainable Fitness

Fitness is an individual endeavor.

Everyone has different goals, aspirations, pacing, expectations, and Spotify playlists that get them revved up to exercise.

Today’s guest post, written by Westchester, NY based personal trainer Elaine Studdert, highlights the concept of sustainable fitness and strategies people can use to attain it.


Copyright: Andriy Popov

10 Suggestions On the Quest For Sustainable Fitness



  1. the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.

What is sustainable fitness?

Sustainable fitness is a mindset rather than a program. Having the right mindset is the difference between reaching your goals rather than continually chasing them. This is something you can practice for life, at any phase, at any age, at any fitness level.

Sustainable fitness is not a quick fix.

It’s not about getting results in six weeks.

It’s slow and steady versus a quick fix. It’s reasonable and maintainable over the long haul. It’s fitness you can stick to and get lasting results with.

It means working hard but working smart.

Taking this approach doesn’t mean you can’t have hardcore abs, get shredded, or ripped.

Quite the opposite, because if you stick to a plan the sustainable approach works. Any program that promises quick results is probably too good to be true.

Would most of us rather lose 40lbs in 40 days?

Absolutely! The problem with that is what happens after the 40 days? Programs making false promises can lead to burnout or injury.

If the program claims to be insane, it probably is.

Discovering what will work for you is a process, but worth the effort. The potential for achieving your goals grows exponentially once you figure it out.

Here are things to focus on while you search:

1. Consistency Is the Key to Finding Sustainable Fitness

If you attempt to keep up a pace that allows little time for anything else in your life it will be almost impossible to maintain.

Keep a schedule that is manageable with your lifestyle. And once you find it, do your best to stick to it.

2. Expect Ups, Downs, and Bumps In the Road Ahead

Don’t be derailed by an “off day” or a “missed workout.”

In the long run the trajectory will be on an upward trend if you stick to a consistent plan rather than a quick fix. This might sound boring but consistency is the way to success. If you miss a workout don’t try and make up for it and work extra hard next time.

Just move on!

3. Appreciate the Little Things

Take time to celebrate small successes and don’t expect changes to happen overnight.

You are in this for the long haul. Little changes add up over time and compound. Similar to money invested in the stock market, your strength will build over time. Short term gains might be easy to attain but those gains can be quickly lost if you don’t sustain them.

Add a little bit to your portfolio each week and watch yourself get stronger.

4. Work At a Level That Is Easy to Maintain.

If you are at a level 10 for every workout it will be hard to keep that up.

That is not to say you should never go all out and push limits.

However, the majority of your workouts should be reasonable and not leave you so sore that you have to take days of rest to recover.

Think moderation!

5. Keep It Simple

Focus on mastering basic skills.

Try not to be enticed by every new program or exercise that you see. Just keep your blinders on and stick to what works.

That doesn’t mean you should repeat the same workout forever, but mixing things up all the time doesn’t allow for progression.

6. Be Authentic to Yourself

If you have never picked up a weight before then seek guidance from a friend or fitness professional. Don’t try to jump into a fitness challenge that you are physically not ready for.

Build up to it.

7. Know Where You Are and Accept It

Something you did in the gym ten years ago may not be relevant today.

If you are getting over an injury or getting back to the gym after a long hiatus, start where you are at the moment, not where you were in the past.

Be honest and patient with yourself.

8. Move Every Day

Not every workout takes place in a gym.

Take a walk, a bike ride, play a sport, or just do mobility work.

Everything adds up.

9. Find Your Tribe

Being with like-minded people is a huge help in keeping yourself on track.

10. Lastly, Pay Attention to Your Nutrition and Recovery.

Exercise is just one part of the equation. Don’t ignore everything else.

The most important thing to keep in mind while finding your sustainable fitness is to be flexible. Remember that life will throw challenges at you and you need to adapt. If you stay true to practicing the above, you will have the tools you need to be able to navigate anything life throws your way.

About the Author

Elaine Studdert is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer based in Westchester, NY.

She trains clients virtually and in-person at HealthyFit in Mamaroneck. Elaine specializes in functional movement and kettlebell training. She loves to work with clients who are looking to improve their quality of life through movement.

See her most recent article on virtual fitness training at Larchmont Loop.

Follow Elaine on social media: Instagram: HERE

Categoriescoaching Motivational psychology

Disfluency and Why It Can Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

In the Spring of ’96 I made my first collegiate start as a pitcher. I was playing for Onondaga Community College out of Syracuse, NY, and we were down in Florida for our annual Spring Training trip.

Can you find me?

Not only was it the first time I saw green grass in several months (winters in Central NY are long and brutal), but it was my first trip to Florida, which meant it was also my first time seeing palm trees.[footnote]And topless women on the beach. Florida is awesome.[/footnote]

We arrived in West Palm Beach to play West Palm Beach Community College. On the bus ride from our hotel to the field I was fidgeting, listening to my Discman – remember those? – probably Wu-Tang Clan or Tribe Called Quest, and trying everything I could to take my mind off of destroying the back of my pants.

It was my first collegiate game, my first start, so of course I was nervous.

And if that wasn’t enough, I heard inklings from some of the players and coaches that 8 of the 9 players in the line-up for WPBCC were drafted out of high-school in the previous year’s MLB draft.

Okay, now I was really nervous.

I took a few deep breaths, said a few words of encouragement to myself[footnote]Namely, “don’t fuck this up Tony!”[/footnote], and proceeded to do my normal pre-game ritual of stretches, long-toss, and warm-up.

And then it was game time.

1st Batter: ground ball out.

“Whatever, this is easy.”

2nd Batter: strike out.

“MLB prospect my ass.”

3rd Batter: walk

“Okay, you can’t win them all.”

4th Batter: 0-2 count, I threw a hanging curveball, and I think the ball is due to pass Neptune’s orbit any day now.


If my memory serves me, I lasted four innings, and we ended up losing that game 12-4. Or 72-4. I don’t remember all the details.

Whatever the score ended up being it stands to reason I didn’t do well.

That said, it was a learning experience:

1) Don’t throw hanging curveballs on an 0-2 count to arguably the team’s best hitter.

2) Even though I was nervous heading into that game, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tad bit smug. I mean, I was an All-League selection in high-school, twice! I got this.

Um, no.

My first college game served as a wake-up call for me, and provided the slap in the face I needed to respect that anything can be a lesson you can learn from. And it’s how you observe, reflect, digest, and use those lessons moving forward that will make all the difference in the world. It’s how you prevent history from repeating itself.

While I didn’t realize it at the time I was using a form of DISFLUENCY to my advantage.

In his book Smarter, Faster, Better, Charles Duhigg, discusses this phenomenon:

“The people who are the most successful at learning – those who are able to digest the data surrounding them, who absorb insights embedded in their experiences and take advantage of information flowing past – are the ones who know how to use disfluency to their advantage. They transform what life throws at them, rather than just taking it as it comes. They know the best lessons are those that force us to do something and to manipulate something.”

In other words: people who are actively “disfluent” take data and transform it into experiments whenever they can.

Taking an example from the book, Duhigg references a study performed in 2014 at UCLA which examined the relationship between learning and disfluency by looking at the difference between students who took notes with their laptop and those students who took notes the old fashioned way.

By putting pen or pencil to paper.

As Duhigg states:

“Recording a speaker’s comments via longhand is both harder and less efficient than typing on a keyboard. Fingers cramp. Writing is slower than typing, and so you can’t record as many words.”

In not so many words, students who use laptops put forth less effort and can “collect” twice as many notes as their pen holding counterparts.[footnote]Pffft, they probably still use VCRs and make mix-tapes too. Losers.[/footnote]

“Writing is more disfluent than typing, because it requires more labor and captures fewer verbatim phrases.”

Common sense would make us assume that the students who took notes with their laptops – and thus, collected twice as many words – would score better on tests and be able to recite more of what the lecturer said.

Of course, you would be 100% incorrect in assuming this.

Don’t worry, if it’s any consolation, when I first heard Eminem I thought to myself “no way this guy lasts.”

There was also a time I thought Mariah Carey and I were soul mates.

Shows how much I know.

What the researches found was that, time and time again, those students who wrote their notes down out-performed laptop users on test scores of the lecturer’s content.

What Does This Have To Do With Your Health and Fitness Goals?

When we bump uglies with new information, and want to learn from it, we should force ourselves to do something with the data.

NOTE: it’s not physically possible to “bump uglies” with information. It’s just a metaphor. Don’t be weird. Unless, you know, you’re part of The Matrix or something and you actually can do it.

If so, we need to hang out.

To quote Duhigg one more time:

“It’s not enough for your bathroom scale to send you daily updates to an app on your phone. If you want to lose weight, force yourself to plot those measurements on graph paper and you’ll be more likely to choose a salad over a hamburger for lunch.”

Likewise, those people who take the time to track their training sessions – recording exercises done, sets, reps, and total weight lifted – tend to stay more consistent and make better progress than those who don’t

Too, when it comes to honing technique on any given exercise, reading other coach’s insights and perspectives on it is great. You may learn a new cue or subtle tweak that resonates.

However, I’d argue it’s those people who take a more laborous approach, take the time to record their lifts with a camera, and analyze their lifts that end up hitting their goals quicker and with more efficiency and precision.

Disfluency. Use it.