CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 3/3/17

Lets do this!

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1. 2 Workshops Coming Up

Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Vancouver, April 1-2nd.

Dean Somerset and I will be in Vancouver that weekend to talk shoulders and hips and to start a tickle fight.

We’re capping this workshop at 50 attendees and last time I spoke to Dean we only have three spots left.

For more information and to sign up you can go HERE.

SUNY Cortland Health & Wellness Conference – Cortland, NY, April 8th

I’ll be at my alma mater the weekend of April 8th speaking at what I believe is the 4th or 5th annual SUNY Cortland Conference. Other guest speakers include my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, Mark Fisher, Brian St. Pierre, and Dr. David Just.

For more information you can go HERE.

2. CORE Online Coming Soon

In a few weeks I’ll be offering a new service…CORE Online.

It’s basically the closest you’re going to get to training with me at CORE without actually stepping foot inside the facility. Each month I write programs that’ll help give you structure and purpose with your own training. You log on with your own CORE Online app, watch me demonstrate exercise, and you get diesel.

If you want to get stronger….this will be for you.

If you want to get leaner or bigger….this will be for you.

If you want to move better…..this will be for you.

If you want to get really good at long division….eh, not so much.

3. Appearance on The Fitness Candor Podcast

Host Eric Feigl was nice enough to invite me onto his show earlier this week. I had a blast. I always enjoy talking shop with other passionate coaches.

Not to be braggadocious or anything but here’s what Eric said post show:

If you prefer a direct link you can go HERE.

4. Wildfire Yoga

Make no mistake: there are many benefits to doing yoga, and more power to those who enjoy doing it to reap those benefits. However, for some people, particularly for those who like to lift heavy things, yoga is the last thing on our minds. It usually goes like this:

1. Lift heavy things and/or sex
2. I’m hungry, I want a burger
3. LOLCats
4. When does the next season of Game of Thrones start?
5. Is it deadlift day?
.344. Long division
1,098,583 – Yoga

My friend, Neghar Fonooni, kinda feels the same way. For meatheads traditional yoga can take way too long and it can also be pretty boring. Her answer is Wildfire Yoga. In her words:

“This isn’t your standard yoga, but more along the lines of “flow series” that can be done in 5-20 minutes. The idea is to take the minimal effective dose and DO this shit.”

You can read more in THIS lovely post she wrote for my site earlier this week or just go HERE and get straight to it.

And now this week’s list of wonderful reads.

62 Tips on Crushing Public Speaking – Sol Orwell

One of the best articles I have ever read on the topic. I’ve done my fair share of public speaking and I took A LOT from this one.

Thanks Sol

The Biggest Lie in Fitness – T-Nation

Another fantastic compilation piece put together by T-Nation asking a bunch of bonafide coaches and fitness pros their thoughts on “lies” perpetuated by the industry.

The 8 Most Effective Coaching Cues You Aren’t Using – John Rusin, et al

8 coaches, 8 cues. Sounds like the title of a romantic comedy doesn’t it?

Social Media Shenanigans



Here’s an excellent option for your clients with low back issues: HBT Stationary Marches. I got this idea from both @dr.joelseedman_ahp and @ryanwoodtraining. Hang some light KBs from bands on each side of a barbell. This is the HBT part. HBT = Hanging Band Training. It’s a wonderful way to up the ante on challenging the core musculature, not to mention a “like whoa” moment on the central nervous system. Wakes it up for sure. I perform these stationary because I only have 800 square feet to work with at my studio, but if you have the space you can totally make your clients go for a walk. Trust me: this is a lot harder than it looks. And another benefit of this exercise is the self-intuitiveness of it. If you rush or try to speed things up it’ll get harder real fast. I like to cue people to keep the KBs “quiet.” 20-30 steps per set should do it. At first don’t worry too much about how high the feet go. Make sure the own the movement. As they get better your clients can go higher, or perform with eyes closed (which is unbelievably effed up; as in super duper hard).

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