CategoriesExercise Technique Strength Training

3 Reasons You Need More Front Squats In Your Life

Front squats are like kittens.

You need more of them in your life.

Copyright: leaf / 123RF Stock Photo


Now, before people reach for their pitch forks, or, I don’t know, call their local IPF director to blacklist me, let me be clear: this is not an attempt or diatribe to dissuade anyone from back squatting.

I like back squats.

Back squats are awesome.

I still have my clients back squat (and perform the exercise myself, even though the video below is of me using a Safety Squat Bar).

Team groutfit for life.

A post shared by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on

So, deep breaths. Relax.

This is a back squat “safe space.”

However, You Should Be Doing More Front Squats

The irony here is that I used to hate front squats. Almost as much as I hated Jillian Michaels’ kettlebell swing tutorials.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being a tickle fight with Gizmo from Gremlins and 10 being feeling like you’re getting choked out by Chuck Liddell) front squats were around an 8 for me.

Whenever I did them they always felt, well, unpleasant.

They didn’t hurt or cause physical pain or anything. They just, you know, sucked a bunch of donkey balls whenever I did them.

So I didn’t.

Then I had an epiphany of sorts:

  1. I noticed that once I hit 40 back squats weren’t feeling all that spectacular. I found my hips and low back weren’t tolerating the consistent loading and it took longer to recover.1
  2. I had always been slow off the floor with my deadlifts and wondered if it was due to lack of quad strength (pushing away from the floor)? After listening to Chad Wesley Smith pontificate on the topic and mention how much of a fan he was of front squats to help with this issue, I was sold.
  3. I needed to stop being such a pussy.


So I made a concerted effort to prioritize front squats in my training.

And wouldn’t ya know…

I started getting better at them. They sucked a little less. And some good things happened.

1.  I Hit a 300 lb Front Squat. Not Too Shabby.

2. Fast Forward a Few More Months…I Finally Hit a 600 lb Deadlift


But, Tony, Why Should I Front Squat? It’s Not All About You. Gosh.

1. They’ll Likely Feel Better

Again, I want to remind anyone who’s contemplating throwing their face into their keyboard at the mere hint of me suggesting people not back squat….

…….that’s not what I’m saying.

We’re on the same team.

However, there’s likely a fair number of you reading who have had a rocky time with back squats. Or maybe you have a client who’s lived through a maelstrom of on-again/off-again relationships with them?

Hey, it happens…and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Back squats aren’t bad, and front squats aren’t some end-all-be-all panacea.

In fact, front and back squats are more similar than they are different – both require massive amounts of strength/stability in the hips and core, as well as requisite “access” to hip flexion, knee extension, and ankle dorsiflexion – so I really see little need to get all territorial about which one is better.

In the end, as far as which is better, it depends. It depends on someone’s goals, preferences, anthropometry and injury history.

I will say this: Unless you’re a competitive powerlifter (or just solely interested in lifting as much weight as possible), no one has to back squat.2

It’s my opinion, though, that for most people, most of the time, given most goals (and taking into account the cost-benefit of exercise selection) front squats will likely be the best option and better fit.

NOTE: you can send all hate mail to [email protected]


For those reading who, while respecting anecdotal examples, are more keen on evidence-based data, I’d point you towards the renowned Gullet, et al studyA Biomechanical Comparison of Back and Front Squats in Healthy Training Individuals – which compared EMG activity between the two variations.

Are they dramatically different? Nope.

This study compared 70% of 1-rep max of the back squat to 70% of 1-rep max of the front squat and showed that EMG activity on the quadriceps, hamstrings, erectors, even the eye lids were overall the same.3

Biomechanically speaking most people can back squat more than they can front squat, so 70% of back squat was heavier than 70% of front squat in the study.

However, as Dr. Mitch Babcock pointed out in a recent video of his I watched:

“If someone has a compressive type problem (knees achy, maybe their spine feels like linguini)…we can get equal EMG activation with less load by utilizing front squats”

Some trainees may think their world is going to end and that they’ll lose strength in their back squat, but hopefully you can see the value in leveraging the above information.

We can still elicit a high training effect on the legs with front squats. 

2. Front Squat = Deeper Squat

There’s a massive caveat here.

A deep squat isn’t always better nor is it something that should be the end-goal of every individual.

Please read THIS post for a little more detail on the topic.

That being said, because of the bar placement (anterior on the shoulders) and because one is able to maintain a more upright torso during its execution, most people will be able to achieve a much deeper depth with a front squat.

Why is this good?

1. The internet trolls won’t judge you as much.

2. A deeper squat = more glute max recruitment.

I like to use this tidbit of info with many of my female clients who are a little more badonkadonk obsessed compared to their male counterparts.

Thanks in no small part to Bret Contreras and his popularization of the hip thrust, many women (guys too) have been placing more emphasis on their derriere in recent years.

Results have been fantastic.4

That being said, there has been a trend of late where many women perform only hip thrust (as well as a cornucopia of band exercises – band hip abductions, kickbacks, side raises, lateral stepping, etc) to target their glutes.

[My good friend Lee Boyce noticed this trend too and wrote about it HERE.]

If you want glutes perform your hip thrusts and the litany of other exercises that target that area. However you still need to build them with some good ol’ fashioned strength training.

Front squats can help immensely in this department.

3. Better Posture

I saved the boring one for last.

Come on, if I started with posture this would have happened:

This will be short.

Front squats nudge people into more thoracic extension which is going to be a game changer in terms of helping to improve posture.

As you descend closer to the ground you have to “fight” to keep from folding over. In many ways the proper execution of the exercise itself is self-coaching.

If you don’t maintain thoracic extension the barbell rolls off your shoulders.

And when that happens a baby seal dies.

You are such an asshole.

Categoriescoaching Exercise Technique

Why I Love These 2 Simple Cues to Clean Up the Front Squat

There was a time in my training career when I despised front squats. I hated them in fact. They never felt good.

Copyright: gekaskr / 123RF Stock Photo


But when does any form of squatting feel “good?”

I mean, that’s the last adjective I’d use to describe them. A back massage feels good. Hitting a walk-off home-run feels good. Hell, I’d argue getting kicked in the balls feels good compared to a heavy set of front squats.

The set-up is kinda wonky and you’re always at the risk of suffocating yourself – not the greatest feeling in the world when you’re trying to lift heavy things. Then there’s that annoying part where the barbell inevitably starts to roll off the shoulders.

Each repetition is a battle against gravity (and patience).

It sucks.

The front squat JUST SUCKS.

That said, I’d be remiss to ignore the front squat is still a staple exercise I prefer to incorporate myself and something I have most of my clients perform as well.


  • They’re joint friendly – almost always a better option for those with a history of lower back and knee pain.
  • They allow most people to attain a deeper depth.
  • They’re (arguably) easier to perform compared to back squats. They allow a more upright torso (which plays into the deeper depth thing), and for anyone who lacks the requisite upper back and/or shoulder mobility (abduction/external rotation, T-spine extension) front squats are a superb option.
  • They help build a monster set of legs, help bulletproof the core, and turn your back into the size of Rhode Island.

I’d go into more of the particulars but 1) I’m lazy and 2) my good buddy, Eric Bach, already did and wrote an excellent article on the front squat HERE that I could’t possibly top.

Go read it, seriously.

Anyways, as much as I tend to belly-ache about how much the front squat makes me want to slam my face into a brick wall, I do prefer performing them over back squats.

Mainly because, and I can’t believe I’m about to say this…

I’m 40 now, not 25.

It’s not lost on me that my 25 year old self would Sparta kick my 40 year old self in the pancreas for uttering the “I’m 40 now” line.1

However, while I don’t expect my N=1 anecdote to reflect everyone else’s experience, if I were a betting man I’d put everything on black that a vast majority of people reading feel the same way.

Stuff just feels different at 40 compared to 25.

Relax internet, I still back squat.

But not as much as I used to, and not nearly as heavy. If I were to be honest, I back squat juuuuuuust enough to maintain a decent enough number in addition to having enough of a carry over to my deadlift. After that I don’t give a shit.

I’m not a powerlifter, so who cares?

Besides I DO feel I get more out of the front squat (see reasons above), and more importantly it just feels better and doesn’t beat me up as much. And while I’m not winning any internet dick measuring contests by posting this, I have worked up to a 300+ lb front squat which is nothing to sneeze at.

My 2 Favorite Front Squat Cues

The biggest issues I find with most trainees with regards to the front squat is bar placement on the shoulders and the fact the bar has a tendency to roll off the shoulders. Both are annoying, but both have a simple solution.

Check out this video below – it’s short – to find out my two “go to” cues for cleaning up front squat technique. I hope it helps.

NOTE: T-shirt game is on point.

CategoriesExercise Technique

Front Squat: Benefits and Technique

And we’re off!

First things first:  I’d like to thank everyone who chimed in to offer their support and words of encouragement with regards to the Premium Workout Group yesterday.

To say I’m really excited for this opportunity would be an understatement, and I can’t wait to see the results people will get following my programming.

Secondly, I want to extend a huge THANK YOU to those who jumped right in and actually signed up yesterday.  It’s my hope that this will be a positive experience for you and that the group will serve as a source of motivation and accountability to keep you on task with your training.

And, you know, to bring back a little sexy too.

While we had a fair number of people sign up I still have some suspicion that an equal number opted not to because they’re on the fence and not quite sure of the type of value that’s included.

Don’t worry my feelings weren’t hurt.  I mean, I only cried for like ten minutes. I’m over it now.

No, really, I just have a little something in my eye.  Is someone peeling an onion?

I keed, I keed.

I touched on it in yesterday’s post, but I wanted to reiterate that not only will I be providing top-notch, quality programming on a month-to-month basis, but I’ll also be providing unique content solely to the group in the form of tutorial videos covering everything from assessment to exercise technique.

Today I wanted to give everyone a little taste or sneak peek at what types of videos to expect:

Front Squat Benefits and Technique

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

For more information on the group you can check out yesterday’s post HERE. Or, you can go directly to the site HERE and register.