CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 10/2/15

I’ve been a little lackadaisical with updating the blog this week, which I apologize for. I’ve only put up three posts instead of my usual 4-5.

Such a slacker.

Not to be all cryptic or anything, but I do have some big news to report that I’ll be sharing in more detail sometime next week.

Hint: Tony’s Techno Tuesday1 will be in full effect.


Before I get into this week’s list of stuff to read – and on a completely unrelated note – how excited is everyone to go see The Marian this weekend?


Ever since I read the book a year ago and then heard the news that both Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down) and Matt motherfuckin Damon were attached to direct and star, I’ve had to do all I can to not allow my brain to spontaneously combust via a seismic nerdgasm.

It’s been getting rave reviews – 92% “fresh” on – and well, Matt Damon can do no wrong.

Another movie I’m really excited to see that opens in wide-release this weekend is Sicario. Starring Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin, and Benicio del Toro – and directed by Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners) – it looks pretty spectacular and eerily similar (at least stylistically) to the movie Traffic. This too has been getting a ton of positive buzz and reviews.


As a quick reminder, Dean Somerset and I will be putting on our Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop two more times in 2015.


CHICAGO (October 17-18th) at Rebell Strength & Conditioning.

LOS ANGELES (November 14-15th) at CrossFit 714 in Anaheim.

CEU’s will be available for both workshops.

The 5 People Every Lifter Needs To Avoid (Plus 5 People You Need in Your Life) – Dani Shugart

The popular saying goes that everyone is the average of the five people they hang out with this most. This is true.

It’s also true that if the five people you hang out with the most are the type of people other people would want to shove into a live volcano, you probably shouldn’t be hanging out with them.

Review of Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop (What I Learned From Dean and Tony) – Stevan Freeborn

This was an excellent review from an attendee from last weekend’s event in St. Louis. I’m not linking to it as a way to gloat.

Okay, maybe a little.

Stevan covers A LOT of material in this post, and does a stellar job articulating many “take aways” that everyone can use at the gym today.

Are GMOs Bad For Your Health? – Helen Kollias (via Precision Nutrition)

GMOs are evil.

They’re nothing but inedible Frankenfood.

Or are they? Enlightening and FAIR conversation in this article.