CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/25/14

I became the regular “Friday Bootcamp Guy” at CP a few weeks ago.  I had been filling in sporadically the past year to 1) give Greg a bit of a break from having to get up at the butt-crack of dawn and 2) for a slight change of pace on my end.

Coaching bootcamps allows me the opportunity to work with people I normally don’t have the chance to see, and well, it’s just plain fun!

Not that people who make a consistent habit of getting up at 5AM to exercise need any more motivation to do so, but this morning while each bootcamp was warming up I alternated between playing the Al Pacino “One-Inch!” speech from Any Given Sunday and the Kurt Russell “screw the Soviets” speech from the movie Miracle.


By the end I’m pretty sure each bootcamper wanted to either fight a polar bear or challenge one another to a cage match as a finisher.

It sure beats Prowler medleys or kettlebell swings!

Nevertheless, it’s been a long day and since I’m sitting here at the car dealership as my car gets serviced (oil change), I figured I’d toss up a few things for you guys to check out.

How to Bullet Proof Your Body – Girls Gone Strong

I shared a video with you the other day from Molly (Galbraith), which discussed some of the differences or tweaks that many women must make with their fitness training if they truly want to make progress.

In anticipation of their new manual, The Modern Women’s Guide to Strength Training, which is being released next week, Molly is back with another FREE video discussing how women can “bullet proof” their bodies.

In short:  less is more.

Why Haters Make It So Much Easier For You to Succeed – Jason Ferruggia

Holy f***balls this was an awesome article.

I’ll be honest:  It used to bother me whenever someone on the internet went out of their way to say hurtful or spiteful things towards me.  I wouldn’t stay at home, plop on my couch with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, and watch a Julia Roberts movie or anything….but I’d be lying if I said certain things didn’t affect me or make me want to react.

It wasn’t long before I learned to ignore the haters and to just chalk it up to “ it’s what people do when they have nothing else to do and they suck at life.”

Jason hits the nail on the head with this post.

Workout Nutrition: What to Eat Before, During, and After Exercise – Brian St. Pierre

Okay, I’ll admit it:  I’m a bit biased in that Brian’s a good friend and a former employee of Cressey Performance.  But man if this isn’t one of the most detailed and thorough articles I’ve read on this topic!

I’m so proud to see how much of a big deal Brian’s become in the industry and it’s so cool to see him putting out such amazing content.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 2/14/14

Happy House of Cards Season Two Release Day on Netflix Valentine’s Day, everybody!

It’s a miracle that I’m even writing right now given there are thirteen brand spankin new episodes sitting in my “watch instantly” queue as type these words.

Can you tell I’m a little excited!?!  But I promised Lisa I wouldn’t touch an episode until we were both home tonight. That’s how we’re going to spend our Valentine’s: Watching House of Cards and eating chicken.

Who says romance is dead?

PS: Dieting sucks.

On that note, I do wish all the lovely couples out there a happy Valentine’s Day.  Eat some steak and carrot cake for me will ya?

Is Your Vitamin D Supplement Helping Or Hurting You? – Bryan Walsh (Precision Nutrition)

Hands down this was the best article I’ve ever read on vitamin D supplementation.  I can’t imagine how much work went into writing this.  Well done!

67 Tips on Happiness, Fulfillment, and Life – Jason Ferruggia

I really liked this list written by Jason and it’s really, really hard to say which handful resonated with me the most.  Honestly, all 67 tips hit home.

It’s a quick read, and I guarantee you’ll be nodding your head in agreement.

High Performance, No BS Correctives – Dan John

Once people see the word “corrective” associated with a strength and conditioning article the eyes start rolling. What now, Tony – an article telling me to perform more knee break ankle mobilizations??

I’d rather watch NASCAR, thank you very much.


But this is Dan freakin John we’re talking about here.  You should know better. Read it.


Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/13/12

I’ve got a pretty cool day lined up.  I’m going to spend the rest of the morning catching up on some work:  I’ve got a few programs to write, and then I’m submitting an article titled 5 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Stronger to Then, I’m heading over to Boston University to get my dieselfication on with my boy Dave Rak.  I believe the agenda calls for squatting until we can’t feel the right side of our face followed by “curling everything.”  Awesome.

And then…….I’m heading over to Fenway Park for the Red Sox season opener!  Granted, they’re playing like complete dog dunk right now, but I’ve never been to opening day before, so it should be a pretty badass.

Warning:  Do This & You Will Get Fat – Jason Ferruggia

Jason has a reputation for not blowing sunshine up anyone’s ass, and this post fits that bill to a “t.”  There are a lot of guys out there who want to build muscle and gain weight, yet tend to follow AWFUL advice.

Moreover, many have unrealistic expectations of what’s actually possible thinking that they’re going to transform themselves into The Rock in a matter of four months.

The final line says it all:  “It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Just remain consistent, stay lean and healthy, train hard and enjoy the journey my friends.”

I wish more would heed that advice.

Is Sugar Toxic?!?! – Mark Young

A non-bullshitter himself, in this post Mark sheds some light on the notion that sugar is the sum total of everything that’s evil this world – from global warming to circus clowns.

I appreciate pieces like this because, while sugar is by no means something we should go out of our way to include more of in our diets, a little bit isn’t going to put you in a diabetic coma tomorrow.

Thanks Mark for bringing the pendulum back to the middle!  Someone deserves a slow clap!

9 Things I Have Changed My Mind About: Part 4 – Molly Galbraith

Leave it to Molly to start with one installment only to inevitably make it into a 47 part PBS special.  You know what, though…I dig it.  It’s refreshing to see someone take an objective look at past mistakes and demonstrate how they’ve grown as a coach and individual. I particularly love Molly’s insight on controlling training stress, and how important it is to NOT think that more is better.