CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 9/14/18

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Ljubljana, Slovenia AND Los Angeles, CA

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

But now.


….It’s the (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

A bunch of wordsmiths we are.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Ljubljana, Slovenia – October 20-21st. (<— EARLY BIRD rate still in affect)

Los Angeles, CA – November 17-18th. (<— EARLY BIRD rate still in affect)

All registrants to this course (as well as future dates in Detroit, Philadelphia, Minas Tirith) will receive a free download of CSHB 1.0 so that you’re up-to-speed on the content Dean and I will be covering.

To register and for moe details go HERE.

2. RISE Fitness Business Conference – San Jose, CA

I’ve had to decline speaking at this event in the past due to prior engagements, but I’m headed to San Jose this year baby.

And I……..pumped.

I’ve never been to the Bay area so I’m excited for that. But I’m even more excited for the THREE days of melt your face knowledge that’ll be under one roof.

The line-up is spectacular and I’m honored to be included amongst such esteemed company – Pat Rigsby, Mark Fisher, Molly Galbraith, Kellie Hart, Craig Ballantyne, and Scott Rawcliffe, to name a few.

I’ll be speaking about shoulder assessment.

If you’re a fitness professional looking to take his or her’s career to the next level this is an event you won’t want to miss.

Full details and registration are HERE.

3. Appearance on the Saved By the Barbell Podcast

Last weekend Dean Somerset and I were in Houston, TX to put on our (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint workshop.

Of course the first thing we did was hit up some BBQ.

Immediately after that we recorded this episode of Saved By the Barbell hosted by Kevin Warren.





The Key to Your Body Goals: No Matter What They May Be – Michael Gregory

HINT: Lift. All. The. Weights

Detailed Group Training – Lance Goyke

I wrote a post last week – HERE – on why I like semi-private training.

This was a fantastic post by Lance expounding on the concept a bit further – albeit focusing more on larger groups.

Valuing Ourselves Beyond the Physical Aspect – Jessi Kneeland

In my experience working with women on body image, I have become convinced that complimenting and praising a woman’s appearance in today’s social atmosphere actually does her — and all women everywhere — a disservice.


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 1/22/16

My wife left for Florida last weekend for a Jedi mind-trick psychology conference, and I’ve taken full advantage of her absence living the bachelor lifestyle as a result.

Note to Lisa (if you’re reading this): these will be taken care of before you come back. Promise.

I love my wife, and I love spending time with my wife. But the past seven days have been an introvert’s dream.

I’ve been doing what any dude with seven days to himself would do: write poetry, catch up on Downton Abbey, match all the mis-matched socks, go for a mani-pedi, start a detox diet, knit a sweet Kylo Ren sweater, and walk around the apartment with no pants on 87% of the time.1

Kidding aside (like I watch Downton Abbey!), I’ve been working of course (coaching, writing, fighting crime), but I’ve also taken the opportunity to catch up on my Oscar nominated film watching.

I went to the theater and watched both Carol and Brooklyn this week.

In case you’re interested in my opinion:

Carol: solid performances by both Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara (both deserve their Oscar nods). Pretty surreal to see how far we’ve come as a society – as a whole at least – in terms of our acceptance of same-sex relationships compared to what the characters had to deal with in the movie. It was beautiful to watch the slow, marinating romance between Cate (Carol) and Rooney (Therese). Grade: B

Brooklyn: amazing performance by Saoirse Ronin playing a young 1950’s Irish woman leaving Ireland to pursue a life in America, and the pursuant tug-o-war between the two worlds. Really funny movie, surprisingly, and a welcome escape of nostalgia. Grade: B+

And since Lisa abhors horror movies, I also took advantage and crushed some Netflix movies while she’s been away. I watched The Visit (M. Night Shyamalan’s latest, and, admittedly, his best in recent memory, but still a shit movie) and Goodnight Mommy (a German psychological thriller I would say is worth the watch. FYI: It’s currently a “free” stream on Amazon Prime).

I also, you know, have been spending some quality time with Dagny.

I have officially entered creepy cat lady territory x infinity.

Oh, before I get into this week’s list…a gentle reminder that Dean Somerset and I are kicking off our 1st date for our Complete Hip & Shoulder Workshop in the Toronto area in a few weeks. For more information you can go HERE.

And for a listing of all the dates Dean and I have slated thus far in 2016 (Seattle, Prague, Czech Republic, Oslo, Norway) as well as other SOLO dates I have booked you can go HERE.

Certified Speed and Agility Coach – Lee Taft

This is bar-none one of the best products I have come across on speed and agility training. And saying it’s a “product” is a bit of a misnomer, because it’s actually a detailed curriculum where the objective in the end is to earn a certification (and not some glorified agility ladder pundit).

As I noted earlier this week, I am currently making my way through the course myself and am learning a ton. Lee’s a highly respected coach with over 25 years of experience, and I have zero reservations in pointing people in his direction.

The course is still on SALE at $100 off the regular price, and will end NEXT Friday (1/29)…so you still have time to save. But, why wait? Go HERE for more information.

No Diet, No Detox: How To Relearn the Art of Eating – Bee Wilson

This was an excellent and thought provoking article published on The psychology behind what and how we eat is where we need to focus more of our time and attention, rather than arguing over macronutrient breakdowns or fretting over the insulin spike from eating an apple. A freakin apple!

Our individual relationships with food is the key.

Not coincidentally this approach and mindset is the very reason why I LOVE the people over at Precision Nutrition. They deal with behaviors and habits over seemingly minor details like should I omit “x” food or add “y.”

The Case For Radical Vanity – Jesse Kneeland

It’s no secret many women (and men) have issues when it comes to body image. This was an excellent TED talk by Jessi Kneeland on the topic:

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 12/19/14

In case you missed it yesterday (I posted it later than usual), I had the opportunity to be a guest on the Inside the Athletic Grind Podcast earlier this week. I know pretty much everyone and their mailman is listening to the Serial Podcast nowadays, but if you need a slight change of pace, and something a bit less “heavy,” and you have an hour to kill (<—– LOL, pun intended. You know, cause the Serial Podcast is about a real murder)… can check out my interview HERE.

I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again today: it’s easily one the funnest interviews I’ve done in a while.

Know what else is going to be fun? Watching The Battle of the Five Armies this weekend!!!!!!!!

I bought tickets for myself, Lisa, and the couple we’re going to see it with about two weeks ago. We saw Desolation of Smaug last year with the same couple at one of those Super Deluxe theaters (where you have a lounge chair, unlimited popcorn, and you can order a meal to eat if you want), and we figured we might as well go see Five Armies in the same fashion. Cause, why wouldn’t you?

This movie is going to be awesome. And from what I’ve read and listened to, the last battle scene in the movie is 45 minutes of nerd Viagra. OMG I can’t even stand it!!!!!!! I’ll report back next week to tender my thoughts.

Has anyone else seen it already? Liked it? Disliked it?

Projection: Or How to Show Your Clients You’re Not Listening to a Damn Thing They’re Saying – Dr. Mark Cheng

I say it ALL the time: what works for one athlete or client, may not work for someone else. In all likelihood it won’t work. Which is why it’s unfortunate when some coaches and personal trainers train all their clientele in the exact same manner.

It’s dumb, Stop doing it. You suck.

Ultimate Athleticism – Max Shank

Today (12/19) is the LAST day to purchase Max Shank’s Ultimate Athleticism at the sick discounted price. I’m telling you right now, Max is a different cat. He’s a meathead like the rest of us who read this blog, but he truly feels that many, many people are missing the boat with regards to their training.

In short: we move like shit, and people aren’t athletic enough!

Max’s book covers a lot of material, but he tends to place most of his focus on four key movements:

1. L-Press to Handstand

2. Deadlift

3. Front Lever

4. Airborne Lunge

It all sounds intimidating, but I promise he’s not advocating we all quit our day jobs and join Cirque de Soleil just yet. While he comes from a heavy gymnastics background (self-taught mind you, which is impressive itself), he offers a TON of regressions and progressions to help people master their movement and work up to the exercises listed above.

If you’re looking for something different, something that will challenge you, and get you outside your comfort zone, Ultimate Athleticism is the real deal.

What Wearing Dresses Taught me About Authenticity – Jessi Kneeland

I’ve known Jessi for a few years. She’s an awesome trainer at one of the best personal training facilities in the country – Peak Performance, located in NYC.

And while she has a lot to say as a coach, and a lot of great things to say, I felt this post presented a very powerful message even if it doesn’t fit into a “fitness specific” mold.