CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 9/25/20

Copyright: neirfy / 123RF Stock Photo


1. You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever it is you want to pay.

During quarantine I started a platform where I’d deliver 20-40 minute workouts that could be performed in everyone’s living room using minimal equipment.

In all I curated 36 workouts using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.

Whether you want to spend $1 or $100 (if the latter, we’ll be BFFs forever), the workouts are ready and available to start.

For more information go HERE.





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I’ll admit: I’m overacting a bit in the picture. You’d think I just fought Smaug and effed up my shoulder or something. . When in reality a “niggle” is nothing more than a nuisance. A minor “meh.” . You can still train, life goes on, but, you know, a niggle is a nagging annoyance. . Whenever this happens to me (or with one of my clients) one of my first interventions is to plant a few fillers, or low-grade activation/strengthening exercises – into the programming. . I often find I can utilize these drills as an “extension” of the actual program rather than sending someone into corrective exercise hell. . This is my preference rather than insinuating they’re a walking ball of fail and dysfunction. . So the next time one of your shoulders is subtlety barking at you (or one of your clients) try incorporating some of these: . 1️⃣ Prone Superman Rotations – I’m using a pair of @acumobility balls in my hands to increase tension (specifically irradiation for more rotator cuff activation) in addition to their Level 1 Band around my wrists. . 2️⃣ Hollow Position Pullaparts. . 3️⃣ Gripless Facepull to Z-Press. I’ve been using this drill a ton lately – just because it’s awesome – and my shoulders have been feeling fantastic. . 4️⃣ OITYTWIO – Sounds Elvish but I picked this one up from @sivan_fagan_fitness and I like it a lot. . 5️⃣ Band Distracted Reach – Again giving credit where’s it’s due: I picked this one up from @cliniconthegreenoxford . . This is a great drill to work on scapular upward rotation and using the band to provide juuuuust enough resistance helps with cleaning up the motion. I like to cue people to reach through the ceiling with their fingers. . Toss any of these drills in between sets of squats or deadlifts or whatever. . Or do them just because it’s Thursday. . The point of these, however, is to work on shit, but not fatigue yourself so that subsequent sets of the cool stuff is affected. . . #shoulderworkout #shouldermobility #shouldermobilityexercise #shouldertraining #shouldersworkout #shoulderrehab #shoulderhealth

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Try Online Trainer Academy For $0 – Jonathan Goodman

It’s never been more relevant to consider a more “hybrid” approach to your fitness business than now. COVID-19 has forced many gyms and personal trainers to shut down their in-person coaching intermittently, and in some cases permanently.

Having the ability to (smoothly) transition to more online options is likely going to be the key to long-term success in the industry moving forward.

You can do no better than the Online Trainer Academy – the OGs of online coaching.

TODAY is your last chance to take advantage of their $0 trial offer.

2 Ways to Increase Intensity Without Adding Weight – Shane McLean

Making it a point to add weight to the barbell over time is never a bad idea in terms of gauging progress.

It’s not the ONLY way however; especially if you want to save your joints (and soul).

Dynamic Training: Should You Be Doing It? – Chad Aichs

Force = mass x acceleration.

It’s physics (and a great conversation stimulator at the bars; when they open again).

But what does it really mean, and how can you apply it toward getting stronger?

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Stuck at Home Not Wearing Pants

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done the last Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work, and I figured given the current pickle we’re all in I’d keep it real by naming this iteration something different.


Yay? Nay?

Doesn’t matter.

I’m keeping it until further notice…;o)

Copyright: maglara / 123RF Stock Photo


(Things I’ve appeared in, places I’m going, you know, important stuff)

In case you missed them the first time around  I’ve been getting a bevy of invites to podcasts so late.

1. The FitCast (Episode #500): Shelter In Place

Download/listen on iTunes – HERE

On the FitCast Network – HERE

2. The Grafters Podcast

Give it a listen (what else are you going to do?)

Download/listen via iTunes – HERE

Spotify – HERE

3. Future of Fitness Podcast

Give it a listen below.

Or check it out on The Future of Fitness website – HERE.

Or iTunes – HERE





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Looking for another row variation you can perform with a band? . Try this: Split Stance 1-Arm Band Row. . No diggidy, no doubt.

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Sedentary Behavior, Home Workouts, and Mental Boosts During Lockdown – Leigh Peele

Leigh chimes in with some much needed “therapy” and a nice collection of resources to point people towards to keep them sane during this weird, weird time.

COVID-19 is the Best Thing to Happen to the Industry in Years. Here’s 5 Reasons Why – Lee Boyce

If there’s any “good” to derive from the pandemic (in the fitness industry at least) Lee points out a few good ones in this article.

The Fitness in Broken – A Story About Hope – Jonathan Goodman

Cue slow clap here.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 11/15/19

Copyright: perhapzzz / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Athens, Greece: Saturday, Feb 29th & Sunday, March 1st, 2020

This will be the first leg of mine and Dean Somerset’s European extravaganza in early 2020. The second leg will take place in…

2. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Maidenhead, U.K: March 7th & 8th, 2020

There’s an Early Bird rate for both of these events, so keep that in mind before you decide to hold off. Dean and I are really excited for this and hope to see you there!





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We’re often infatuated with bravado. . Take dips for example. We’re told that we HAVE to go as deep as possible in order to reap the best benefits; similar to squats. . Deeper the better. THIS.IS.SPARTA. . I’ve long championed that “deep” squats are 100% safe and an effective approach. However, access to depth is contingent on a few factors…with anatomy being a big one. . Some people picked the right parents for deep squatting. . Now, let’s discuss dips. I’ll never say never, but I’d suspect most trainees are better off reducing their ROM in order to keep the shoulders from feeling like they’ve been put through a meat grinder. . Unlike the hips, the glenohumeral joint is much more shallow and there’s less “heft” providing support and stability. The shoulder is a bit more vulnerable. . The deeper one goes with their dips, the higher the risk of the shoulders dumping forward (scapular anterior tilt) which can then have ramifications on the humeral head sliding more aggressively forward. . Ouch. . For my money (and if training long term is the goal)…a little less ROM on dips is the smarter play for most people.

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The Ultimate Calorie, Portion, & Macro Calculator – Brian St. Pierre

I was given a sneak peak of Precision Nutrition’s latest resource – their Ultimate Calculator – and it’s going to save a lot of people a lot of guess work (and time).

There’s nothing out there like it and it’s very intuitive to use. It bases calculations off the basic stuff like height and weight, but also takes into account goal weight, training goals, and eating/lifestyle preferences…and then offers a “menu” that can be followed using the palm of your hand as a guide.

You don’t have to be Dr. Manhattan or a master of long division to figure it out.

Bookmark it!

#Instagram Engagement Is Dead. Here’s the Six Things You Must Focus On – Jonathan Goodman

Adapt or “fitness influencer” status will be revoked.

Psych Skills for Fitness Pros – Bros Do Science & Dr. Lisa Lewis

Dr. Lisa Lewis has been working on her upcoming project, Psych Skills for Fit Pros – a 12 hour course on motivational interviewing, how to build and maintain motivation with clients, as well as a plethora of other topics – for the past year and this interview with Rocco Venizelos of Bros Do Science provides an amuse bouche of what to expect.


…be ready.