Weights room and exercise equipment in an empty gym.Categoriespodcast

Building a Successful Facility That Fits Your Lifestyle

Weights room and exercise equipment in an empty gym.

Appearance on the Fitness Business Freedom Podcast

I had the pleasure of being invited onto the Fitness Business Freedom Podcast hosted by Justin Hanover recently. We dove into my business and broke down how I structure my services and operates my facility in a way that best fits my lifestyle.

  • Deadlifts
  • Protein
  • Wu-Tang
  • Repeat

I think that needs to become a t-shirt.

Then we tackled the writing side where I share some tactics around improving your writing and how to better utilize this approach within your business.

I’m sure there was also a reference to my cat too (or He-Man) because I’m a tool cool.

If you’re a gym owner or flirting with the idea, I think you’ll enjoy this chat.

Check it out HERE.