CategoriesExercise Technique Strength Training

Lats All, Folks!

See what I just did there?

I took the closing epilogue of an old Looney Tunes cartoon and applied it to an article I wrote on lat training.

Barack Obama ain’t not nuthin on my word play!

Chances are anytime you ask someone what the latissimus dorsi are you get one of two things happening:

1.  Someone conjures up their inner Dorian Yates and breaks off a lat spread like like no one’s business.


2.  They look at you with a quizzical look – as if you had three nipples – look down, snap their fingers rapidly, and then, in a light bulb moment blurt out, “WAIT……I got it!  That’s the name of that one planet that that dude with pointy ears is from, right?  You know, in Star Trek?

Alas, the latissimus dorsi or “lats” for short are an often glazed over muscle group relegated to nothing more than “that muscle you work on the pulldown machine.” Which is unfortunate because I’d argue that the lats are one of the more critical muscles in your body in terms of not only aesthetics, but performance as well.

In this article, which went live on yesterday, I up the geek ante slightly and talk anatomy as well as the MANY functions of the lats (there’s a lot more than you think).

More importantly, I discuss strategies one can implement to learn how to “engage” the lats more effectively, which in turn helps protect the spine, which in turn results in more weight lifted, which in turn raises your awesome factor by like a lot.  It’s science.

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