Old books in bookshelfCategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 3/11/22

Old books in bookshelf


1. Strategic Strength Workshop – BOSTON & LONDON

(NOTE: Only one more week before the Boston event!)

This Spring Luke Worthington and I will be putting on our popular Strategic Strength Workshop in both Boston, MA and London, UK.

A hometown switcharoo extravaganza if you will.

The purpose of this workshop is to give attendees a more thorough look into our assessment process and how we connect the dots between that and setting our clients/athletes up for as much success as possible.

I.e., turning them into deadlifting Terminators.

There’s plenty of talk surrounding the traditional x’s and o’s of program design, but we also take some time to dive deep into the soft(er) skills of coaching:

  • How to improve motivation
  • How to build better rapport
  • Learning to meet your clients where THEY are.

You can click the respective links below for more information and to register:

Boston (March 19th-20th) – HERE.

London (April 23rd-24th) – HERE.

2. Coaching Competency Workshop: Leeds, UK – May, 1 2022

On top of my cameo in London this Spring I am also putting on a BONUS 1-day workshop further north, in Leeds. I’m pumped for this one. I’ve never visited northern England and am very much looking forward to this.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll attend my first soccer football match.





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Sucking Off Your Client’s (Energy) – Perspectives On Being An Energy Vampire Coach – Chris Kershaw

✨NOMINATED✨ The pallid man with vampire eyes on the Halloween

I’ll be the first to admit I am not a rah-rah coach (and, quite honestly, I find those that are somewhat annoying). There’s this connotation in the coaching world that in order to be an effective coach you have to be full throttle at all times, as if you’ve injected caffeine directly into your left ventricle.

Then and only then will your clients/athletes truly understand.

This is a nice compilation (of which I am part of) that breaks down how absurd this is.

Tri-Sets For New Muscle Growth – Merrick Lincoln

Physical athlete doing barbell bench presses

I really liked this article.

Not because it was revolutionary, but because it was so simple and actionable. If you need a bit of a “jolt” in your training, this may be something you should consider.

Psych Skills For Fitness Pros – Dr. Lisa Lewis

There’s only a few more days to purchase this excellent resource on sale. Curated FOR fitness professionals and with over 13+ hours of clinical & research base information available, this course is undoubtedly one of a kind.

What “bogs” down most coaches are suffocating clients; those that seemingly lack motivation and are unable to respect boundaries. This course delves into that and much, much more.

(Plus, it’s actually developed by a doctor who lifts)

In addition, this course contains lectures, case studies, and recorded interviews with some of the industry’s best coaches (Mark Fisher, Dean Somerset, Tony Gentilcore, Georgie Fear, Molly Galbraith, Meghan Callaway, and Kelly Coffey).

There’s only a few more days to get it at the sale price.

Check it out HERE.