Categoriesmuscle growth Program Design

The Lost Art of Time Under Tension

I think many of us get caught up in the sets x reps trap.

Meaning, we’re so focused on the number of sets and reps we perform in any given set or workout, that we often forget there are many other components to garnering progress in the gym.

In today’s guest post by Upstate NY based trainer, Matt Phelps, he reminds us of a facet of training often neglected…Time Under Tension.


Copyright: thesupe87 / 123RF Stock Photo

In The Beginning

Think back to when you very first started training.

To when you very first got into this stuff.

I mean like, REALLY into this stuff.

If you were anything like me, you fanatically researched what the best routines were to get bigger arms, a fuller chest, monster traps, diesel delts, and the elusive “wings” that belong to those with huge lats.

PS: I hate you.

Once I found the magical exercise that would grant me super powers, and the 21 inch pythons that came with them, I immediately asked the same question you have asked yourself, countless times:

“How many sets and how many reps do I do?”

Exposing a Flaw

It was not until recently, in the past couple of years, did I realize how flawed this question actually was.

Let’s say I prescribe 3 sets of 10, the classic set and rep scheme for most beginners.

Those 3×10 sets can look DRASTICALLY different from one individual to another. But if all we do is prescribe “sets x reps” then we are presuming the quality of work is the same. What if it takes one person 20 seconds to do 10 reps, and another person 40 seconds?

Will this have the same response on the body, over time?

I highly doubt it.

When it comes to muscular adaptation, most of us know that in order to induce change, and keep progress coming, there needs to be a system of progressive overload. We know that over time, we need to train with the same load for more “reps” or a heavier load for the same “reps”, in order to see the size and strength gains coming.

While in theory, this makes total sense, the application get messed up.

Many of us are smart from years of having read the awesome content available to us from resources like this website.

However, because we are so educated, so wise in the weight room, whether it is conscious or not, we “cheat” the system.

We chase reps.

We let form breakdown so we can say we got a “rep”.

We take the emphasis off of the eccentric to gain the ability to do more concentric contractions.

We use inertia and momentum to help us get those “reps.” Like I said, this is quite often unintentional, but the fact remains, it happens.

To Rep Count, or Not to Rep Count?

The fact is, our muscles do not have a “rep counter” that figures out training volume so neatly, like it does on many of your excel spreadsheets.

While volume can most easily be identified and tracked through load x reps x sets, this presumes that all sets are the same, not only within one individual’s training program, but also from person to person.

Our muscles know time under tension and load.

These factors elicit the metabolic damage needed to grow, adapt, and get the results we’re looking for.

I really think it is that simple.

What is a drop set doing?

It is increasing the Time Under Tension (TUT).

What is a rest pause set doing?

It is increasing the TUT.

What is a superset of 2 exercises using the same muscle group doing?

It is increasing the TUT.

So why, then, wouldn’t we place a huge emphasis on doing sets for TUT, rather than just counting reps?

Making the Case For TUT

Look, I get it.

Sometimes it is fun just to lift heavy shit, and not give a damn about tempo.

Guilty as charged.

I love that style of training too, and always will.

HOWEVER, I think, as with most things, there is a time and place for it.

You could easily perform a “5/3/1”, 5×5, or any other of the myriad of powerlifting programs out there, before an “accessory block,” where the goal is to build size and repeated effort strength.

While I will admit, strength gains come from a lot of neurological adaptation, size gains will come from breaking down the muscle fibers, and that is where TUT reigns supreme.

Don’t believe me?

Let’s say you perform Hammer Strength Chest Presses after a heavy Bench Press session.

Instead of doing your typical 4 sets of 10-15, perform 4 sets :45 of work, STICKING to that 10-15 rep speed.

I can promise you, 99% of you will be forced to slow it down, place a peak contraction on the targeted muscle, and dramatically increase the metabolic “bang for your buck” that the set is providing.

Here are several reasons why all of us should make TUT training the focal point of our resistance training programs:

1. It Makes Your Training Efficient. MUCH More Efficient

When you train with TUT, you will quickly realize that it forces you to cut through the bullshit and white noise that a lot of high volume training programs encourage, and allows you to get right down to business.

You will find yourself getting what you used to get out of 4-5 sets, in 3-4 sets, and that, my friends, is amazing.

By timing your work and rest periods, you can hold yourself accountable, and also receive a great cardiovascular benefit as well. This principle forms the cornerstone of my training philosophy, Metabolic Training.

Time is the most valuable asset you have (I am not laying claim to this statement, it has been said many times before), so make the most of it.

2. It Makes the Strength Gains More Genuine

When you add reps and set PR’s, particularly for higher rep sets, there are SO many factors that go into your performance from one day to the next.

Maybe the week before you rested for 5 seconds between reps.

Maybe you used a faster eccentric and “bounced” out of the hole.

I have seen many people in the gym train with weights they have no business training with, and guess what?

Their “sets of 10” usually last for :17s.

If I had walked up to these same people, whose intention was to get 10 reps, and made them do the same 10 reps over the course of :40, they would have failed miserably.

When you train for TUT, you can be certain that you placed your muscle under a certain amount of mechanical tension, and that when you progress in load, you are doing so at an appropriate rate.

When you go from floor pressing the 80s for :40 to the 95s for :50, your pecs will most certainly feel the difference, and you can confidently know that you are, without a doubt, stronger.


3. It Forces You to Use an Appropriate Load, Increasing Safety

Tying into the previous point, if you need to perform a set for :35, and get 8-12 reps in that time period, with a full ROM, it is almost impossible to use an inappropriate training load.

If you can only get 6 reps in this time period, or fail before the time lapses, then guess what?

The weight is too heavy.

If you get 23 reps, it is far too light.

If we simply prescribe a set number of reps to do, often times we start seeing a lot of the crazy shit we see in most commercial gyms, with terrible technique being implemented just to “get the reps.”

TUT is incredibly humbling, but your joints will feel better, and your muscles will be fuller. Sounds like a win-win to me!

4. It Is Never Boring

With TUT, the possibilities are endless, and the different combinations you can deploy will keep you excited to train, and isn’t that what this is all about?

With the new focus being placed on TUT, you can start to take a ton of creative liberty with your programming.

If you are a sadist, you can do Tabata Front Squats, Ben Bruno style, :20/:10 for 4:00.


If you want to do something completely different, perform a set for :90.

It will rock your world more than it did the first time you….well, you know.

Training will become FUN again, and when you do something you love doing, you are always more likely to get more out of it.

5. It Emphasizes QUALITY

This is crucial for eliciting the needed metabolic damage to occur on the cellular level.

Training for TUT takes the emphasis OFF of the actual performance (i.e. rep count), and ONTO the muscle (more controlled reps, squeezed contractions, full ROM).

If you start using a tiny range of motion, and spastically blast through your sets like a jackrabbit in mating season, you will be punished, because the clock doesn’t stop even though you got your “reps”.

6. It Increases Intensity

By using TUT, the focus shifts from ending the set as soon as you can, to getting the most out of each set you do.

You will find yourself slowing down on your rows, going deeper on your squats, and really squeezing your glutes at the top of a hip thrust.

For those of you who are former athletes, or are competitive, TUT will challenge you by pitting you against the clock, daring you to survive the duration of the set.


For those of you who have what it takes to make it, I can assure you that this “set” will feel far different than anything you have done before.

TUT In Action: Matt’s Chest & Back Blitz

I don’t expect all of your to become instant converts to the world of TUT, but I encourage you to give it an honest chance.

Fitness is all about balance.

I still use components of “rep counting” in my training, but these days, 90% of it comes from TUT, and I have never felt better.

Here is my favorite Chest & Back routine, using TUT.

It only takes 35 minutes, so if you are hesitant or skeptical, you have nothing to lose, just try this out…your pecs and lats will thank me later.

Block 1

  • Incline Bench Press x :25, utilizing a “smooth” tempo (this should land you around 8 Reps)

Rest :25

  • Barbell Row x :25, utilizing a “smooth” tempo (8 Reps)

Rest :50, Repeat for a TOTAL of 5 cycles

Rest :90

Block 2 “747 Jet Sets”

  • DB Bench Press, 3 Second Eccentric x :30 (7 Reps)

Rest :30

  • DB Bench Press, 3 Second Eccentric x :18 (4 Reps)

Rest :30

  • DB Bench Press, 3 Second Eccentric x :30 (7 Reps)

Rest 1:00, Repeat for 2 Cycles

Rest :90

Block 3

  • Incline DB Row, 3 Second Isometric Holds x 1:00 (15 Reps)

Rest :20

  • Incline DB Row, 3 Second Isometric Holds x :50 (12 Reps)

Rest :20

  • Incline DB Row, 3 Second Isometric Holds x :40 (10 Reps)

Rest :20

  • Incline DB Row, 3 Second Isometric Holds x :25 (15 Reps)

Rest :90

Block 4

  • Med Ball Pushups, “Smooth” Tempo x :30 (10 Reps)

Rest :10

  • DB Fly, “Smooth Tempo x :30 (10 Reps)

Rest 1:00, Repeat for a total of 3 cycles

Rest :90

Block 5 “Crazy 5’s”

  • TRX Strap Row “5 Second Concentric/5 Second Isometric/5 Second Eccentric” x 1:15 (5 Reps)

Rest 1:00, Repeat for 2 Cycles


– You will notice certain “rep recommendations” in parentheses next to the TUT. If you are finishing your rep counts 5 seconds before your time is complete, or 5 seconds after, you need to adjust your tempo accordingly.

– The first 1-2 rounds of Block 1 should be light, as you “ramp” the weight up.

– On the “Jet Sets”, it should be relatively “easy”…until the 1-2 reps of the 3rd set. You may need to decrease load on the 2nd round, that is absolutely acceptable

– Drive with those ELBOWS on the rows, and put those lats to work! Resist the urge to pull with your hands, and over exert your biceps and forearms

– Lastly, have fun.

About the Author

Matt Phelps is the owner and founder of Metabolic Meltdown, a fitness business with 6 locations in Upstate New York that specializes in Metabolic Training.

Matt is on a mission to educate the world about Metabolic Training, which is a unique training philosophy that combines strength training with cardiovascular training in an efficient full body workout that delivers more muscle, less fat, and pretty much makes you invincible.

Matt’s work can be found on and He welcomes you to come check out his content, and reach out to him with any questions you might have. To see specific examples of Metabolic Training in action, along with as many photos of German Shepherds and 18 month old babies that you can handle, you can check out his Instragram account HERE.



My Top Three Metabolic Protocols For People With Knee Pain

Before I get into my three favorite metabolic protocols for people with bum knees, I have a very important announcement to make.  No, it has nothing to do with a cannonball (ALA:  Will Ferrell, in the movie Anchorman).

No, it has nothing to do with hitting a 600 lb deadlift (trust me, when that happens, you’ll know).  And no, it has nothing to do with me divulging any plans to release a product anytime soon (although, that will definitely be in the cards at some point this decade year.  I promise).

Actually, the truth is, my girlfriend and I signed a lease earlier this week, which makes it official:  we’re moving in together.  Yay for co-habitation!!!

Note to Lisa:  Just a heads up babe – I pee in the shower.

Anyways, it’s a big step for sure, but it’s something that we’ve been discussing for a while now.  We found a ginormous apartment in an area that we love in the city, and we’re really excited to make it ours.

The move in date is in less than a month, which means, among other things, I need to go through my t-shirt drawer and decide which ones I want to take with me.  You could say that collecting vintage t-shirts is a hobby of mine, and while some (Cobra Commander) I’m going to keep forever, others are so old and crusty that I could probably walk over to the local nursing home and donate them as penicillin.  HA!  Get it?

So, that said, if any of you have any words of wisdom (or encouragement), please, feel free to chime in below.  I mean, now that we’re moving in together, Lisa is pretty much obligated to make me ham sandwiches everyday, right?  Right?

Okay, enough with beating around the bush – lets get down to business.  Now, if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, it’s no secret that even though I’m 34 years old, I have knees that are seemingly older than Gandalf.  Zing!  Count it!  Man, I’m on fire today!

As such, while I’m still able to hit my lower body pretty hard, I still have to be careful when it comes to things like squatting (consistently), sprinting, and any other modality that puts a lot of stress on the knees.

Now, before I go on, let me be perfectly clear: despite what a lot of people say – you can ALWAYS train around an injury.  I won’t belabor the point – especially since I wrote on the topic already, HERE – but suffice it to say, while I definitely have to tweak my programming accordingly (not to mention stay on point with things like foam rolling and other soft tissue modalities), I still feel I’m able to get a great training effect and maintain (if not improve) my overall strength and conditioning levels following a few basic tweaks – seen below.

As the title above suggested, today, I want to focus more on the metabolic or conditioning side of things – because, lets me honest, when you have cranky knees, doing anything more than a light jog (or even walking) can oftentimes be problematic.

Here are my top three metabolic protocols in no particular order.  And, as it so happens – there’s no smoke and mirrors involved.

1.  Airdyne Bike Intervals

I’d argue that no one piece of equipment (other than the Prowler) is despised more in our facility than the airdyne bike.

When it comes to interval or metabolic training, not many pieces of equipment can trump the full body effect that the airdyne bike has on the body; which is why I like to follow what’s called the 180 Rule.  Which is this:  whatever you see the vast majority of people using in the gym (elliptical trainers, for example), do the exact opposite.  In layman’s terms, the equipment that no one ever uses tends to be the ones that are the most useful.

See that airdyne that’s tucked over there in the corner of the gym that you thought was part of an antique exhibit?  Yeah, you should use it.

People don’t use them because they’re hard, and they’re not fun (and coincidentally, they don’t have a flat screen television attached to them either).

While you can certainly keep things easy and just follow a simple 1:2 or 1:3 (work: rest) ratio – something like 15s of work, followed by 45s rest for a certain amount of time (say 10 minutes) – I like to kick things up a notch and follow a protocol popularized by Christian Thibaudeau:

1a: 30s, easy
1b: 20s, hard (and by “hard,” what I really mean is pretend that a lion is chasing you while you have a steak tied to your back.  GET MOVING!!!!!)

2a: 60s, easy
2b: 30s, hard

3a: 90s, easy
3b: 40s, hard

4a: 120s, easy
4b: 50s, hard

5a: 150s, easy
5b: 60s, hard

6a. 180s, easy
6b: 70s, hard

Cool down for 5 minutes, and allot some time to catch your breath.

And yes, if you don’t have access to an airdyne bike, you can still use a regular bike here.  The only thing you need to be cognizant of is that you must make sure to increase the resistance on the sprints, and lower the resistance during rest intervals.  And clean up your pool of sweat, you jerk!

2.  Slideboard

I’ll be honest here and say that there was a time where I felt the slideboard was a foo-foo piece of equipment that I would NEVER use.  Then, I actually took my head out of my ass, started listening to people like Mike Boyle (who expounds on their efficacy religiously), and finally started seeing just how valuable and versatile they can be.

The slideboard may be the best, most cost effective conditioning mode available for athletes exclusive of actually running (which for those with bum knees, ain’t gonna happen).

Taking a page from Boyle, the slideboard offers the following:

  • Places the athlete n a sport-specific position, almost regardless of sport.
  • Positively stresses the abductors AND adductors muscles.
  • Allows athletes to work in groups of three to four on one piece of equipment
  • Provides work capacity training in an interval format with no adjustments, all for under $600.

What’s more, it’s a VERY joint friendly modality to use when someone suffers from knee pain.  Moreover, think about how we generally train as a society:  we tend to be VERY linear with our movements, doing things in a straight line all……….the………freakin………time.  With the slideboard, however, we can now train lateral (side-to-side) movement, which undoubtedly is an important component of any well-rounded program.

Keeping things simple, I prefer to use standard work: rest ratios here.  Meaning, one would basically slide for 20-30 seconds, rest of 60-90 (or longer) seconds, and repeat for a required amount of time.

3.  Stadium or Hill Sprints

My friend Nia Shanks is going to love this, since she’s ALWAYS telling people how running hill sprints is the bees knees.

I have to say, I kinda agree.

Now that the weather is nicer here in Boston, every Sunday my girlfriend and I head over to Harvard University and run sprints up the football stadium.  Here’s me doing my last sprint last weekend:

 It’s fairly standard:

Sprint Up (or walk briskly, depending on current fitness level)
Walk Down
Hate Life

Because there’s very little (or less) stress on the knees running up stairs (or a hill), this is a fantastic modality for those with knee issues.  But, in reality, it’s a phenomenal workout regardless, and I defy anyone to argue otherwise.

So, there you have it – my top three metabolic protocols for people with knee pain.  While it’s definitely not an exhaustive list by any stretch of the imagination, I feel that these are the three that can most easily be implemented by most people given equipment availability.  Have one to share?  Let er rip below!