CategoriesNutrition Supplements

The Nutrition and Supplement Police

There are shady characters in every industry, but it’s seemingly within the nutrition and supplement industry where the shadiest of shady characters reside.

Copyright: peogeo

The Nutrition & Supplement “Police”

How else to explain an industry where (celebrity) doctors cut their ties to integrity and shill the miraculous fat loss properties of Raspberry ketones?

Or where some of the product descriptions on the backside of a bottle or package resemble that of a science-fiction movie?

Like this one for example:

“The World’s strongest vaso-anabolic psychoactive experience. Our secret cellular volumizing formula is patented to nanomolecularize your vascular expanders.”

For those scratching their heads, in supplement speak, I’m pretty sure “nanomolecularize” means you’ll cause an earthquake when you flex your pecs.

Or you suddenly gain the ability to fly.

I don’t know, something will happen.

Whatever the case may be, now, more than ever, with all the varying pills, powders, and diets being “sold” to us as the next great thing, we need someone we can trust to cut through the BS and help filter through the phony facade.

We need someone to serve as the “shadiness police.”

My friends at have just launched their new and vastly updated Examine.2.0. They’ve built an amazing resource; one that’s hands-down THE most extensive, thorough, and UN-BIASED tool at our disposal as fitness/health professionals (or people who are generally more curious and proactive with their health information).

They stick to their lane – cute kitty pictures analyzing research information – and that’s it.

  • No fluff
  • No opinions
  • No up-sells
  • No BS

If one of my clients or athletes walks in and asks about Keto, creatine, vitamin D, caffeine, or whether or not Deer Antler Root dipped in Unicorn tears harvested from a remote mountain range in Minas Tirith is worth trying…I can usually provide a competent, well-informed answer.

However, if I ever get stumped – which definitely happens – I can gather all the information I’d ever need from Examine 2.0.

And I know it’ll be the most recent, relevant, and scientifically peer-reviewed information out there.

What’s more, they include monthly updates and they also provide CEUs for American RDs, NASM, as well as the NSCA.

Starting today (through 8/25) you can take advantage of their re-launch sale:

  • Monthly Membership – usually $29/month will be $19/month
  • Yearly Membership – usually $199/year will be $144/year

Check it out HERE.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: Autoregulation, Busting Through Plateaus, and Probiotics

Unfortunately I have to keep this one pretty short today.  Lisa’s dad and step-mother flew into town yesterday from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and after taking them out to a nice dinner, we all walked back to our apartment where Amanda (Lisa’s step-mother), busted out her iPad so that we could all play Ellen DeGeneres’ game Heads Up.

For those unfamiliar (which was the case with me less than twelve hours ago), it’s simply a word guessing game where your friends try to get you to say the word on the screen by giving you hints. Only with Heads Up, you hold the phone or iPad above your head and it records video of your friend giving hints. You have sixty seconds to guess as many words as you can.

It’s basically Blind Man’s Bluff meets charades, but with video.

And let me just say it’s sooooooooooo addicting.  Lets just put in this way:  there may or may not exist video of me imitating Forrest Gump, a Canadian, and Elmo.

Not to brag or anything, but my Forrest Gump is pretty spot on.  And, surprisingly, my Elmo wasn’t too shabby either.  At one point I had Lisa crying in laughter.

So basically this was just a long-winded way of saying that we slept in this AM, and here’s some stuff you should check out:

How You Feel is NOT a Lie  – David Dellanave

Outside of having one of the most epic mustaches in human history (^^^), David is also the owner of Movement Minneapolis, as well as someone who’s long championed the sentiment of auto-regulation.

We’ve all been there. Some days we feel like rock stars heading into the gym. while on others we feel like we’ve gotten run over by a mack truck.

With respects to the latter, is it best to suck it up and train anyways?

Sometimes, yes.  Sometimes, no.  But according to David…….usually no.  But that doesn’t mean curling up on the couch and catching up on episodes of Teen Mom.

It may just mean nixing your planned workout and going with Plan B or C instead.

Coincidentally Plan C almost always entails some form of bicep curls.  Just sayin……

5 Strength Training Techniques For Busting Through Strength, Fat Loss, and Muscle Building Plateaus – Nia Shanks

I <3 Nia.

That is all.

The Scary Truth About Probiotics – TC Luoma

In this well written and well researched editorial piece, TC dives into some of the research behind the efficacy of probiotics. We’re literally just scraping the tip of the iceberg as far as understanding the role that bacteria play in our gut, but you’d be hard pressed to get that notion from all the hippie naturopaths out there claiming to know otherwise.