CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 10/16/15

I’m heading to Chicago this weekend to meet up with Dean Somerset for our Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop.

NOTE: We’ll be in LA the weekend of November 14th (go HERE for more info).

It’s my first time visiting Chicago, and my wife, Lisa, is tagging along. We’re making an extended stay out of it (through early next week) and she’s been busy drumming up an itinerary of places to visit, places to eat, and things to do.

We can’t wait.

Speaking of Chicago, the venue Dean and I are speaking at – Rebell Strength & Conditioning – is located near Wrigley Field, and the Cubs are in the playoffs (score!). Although they’re playing the Mets in NYC this weekend (bummer).

The Red Sox ended their World Series drought back in 2004. I moved to Boston in 2006 and have been fortunate enough to witness the Sox win two more.

The Cubs haven’t won a World Series since 1908 and now, after defeating the St. Louis Cardinals, Vegas has them as the odds on favorite to take home the title in 2015.

I mean Back to the Future II predicted it:


But This is Even Cooler

A good friend of mine, Matt, who was a former professional baseball player that trained and eventually interned at CSP, and who is now living in Chicago while attending medical school posted this the other day.

“I’ve been very lucky to see my fair share of St. Louis Championships (Rams in 2000, Cardinals in 2006,2011) but I’m starting to notice a trend – every city I live in wins or beats a St. Louis team to break their championship/playoff droughts (and generally dominates in all sports)…which means, it’s looking good for the Cubs!

1987- 1 year old Matt watches Minnesota Twins Beat Cardinals for first ever World Series
2000- St. Louis Rams Win Super Bowl
2002- Watch Patriots beat Rams in Super Bowl
2004- (year I move to Boston)- Boston Red Sox Beat Cardinals, break 87 year curse
2004- New England Patriots win Super Bowl
2006- New England Patriots win Super Bowl
2008- Boston Celtics win NBA Championship (first in 22 years)
2011- Boston Bruins win Stanley Cup (first in 39 years)
2013 (move to Chicago) – Chicago Blackhawks win Stanley Cup (beating the St. Louis Blues on their way AND Bruins in Finals)
2015- Chicago Blackhawks win Stanley Cup
2015- Chicago Cubs Beat Cardinals en route to first World Series in 107 years?!?

I’ll be taking moving offers to other championship-less cities if the offer is right!”

Only time will tell.

4 Back Exercises You’re Screwing Up – Lee Boyce

Lee’s my boy.

He and I see eye to eye on many things training related, and this article is no different. I’m particularly fond of his take on the 1-Arm DB Row.

Also, on an aside: Lee and I are both considering teaming up to produce a podcast in 2016. It’ll mostly be dealing with fitness and training, but he and I are both movie aficionados as well so I’m sure we’ll go a little off tangent in that regard too.

Stay tuned….

6 Power Pairings For the Lower Body – Ben Bruno

It’s funny. I saw the title of this article on and thought to myself, “that sounds like something Ben would write.”


I know my friends so well.

Seeing What Others Don’t – Gary Klein

This is a book I picked up recently that I’m really enjoying.

I’m a sucker for behavioral economics, and this book tackles the topic of insights and how, when, and why they’re formed.