It’s been quite the week, huh? While I’d like to sit here and espouse a plethora of nuanced commentary on the unfortunate, and, quite frankly, sickening events of this past week here in the U.S., I feel all I can really add to the conversation is this admittedly un-nuanced soundbite:
“Fucking Nazis suck.1
That’s all I have to say about that.
Lets get to this week’s stuff to read.

1) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando
There’s only less than three weeks left to take advantage of the Early Bird rate for Dean Somerset and I’s workshop in Orlando, at Spark Fitness, the weekend of October 21st.
I’ve never been to Orlando. I bet it’s going to be beautiful in October. Yet, there’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.2
You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.
HEADS UP: We’ve also added Boston into the mix later this year. Not Burlington Boston or Beverly Boston, two cities that are lovely, albeit not (that) close to Boston.
No, this is IN Boston. In the heart of the city Boston, at AMP Fitness.
Early bird rate is in effect now and if you’re super eager to sign-up you can go HERE.
2) Elite Fitness & Performance Summit – Chicago
I’ll be in Chicago this September alongside some other phenomenal speakers for the Elite Fitness & Performance Summit. The cast includes:
- Nick Tumminello
- Mark Fisher (if I have to follow him on stage I’m going to be pissed)
- Josh Henkin
- Nick Berry
- Molly Galbraith
- Krista Scott-Dixon
- Ryan Ketchum
And many, many more. It’s one of the most action-packed fitness events of the year, so be sure to reserve your seat ASAP. You can go HERE to do so.
3) Appearance on The Strength House Podcast
It was great to catch up with old friends Greg Robins and Tony Bonvechio. I think I am officially the smallest & weakest guest they have ever had…;o)
Stuff to Read
The Tension Weightlifting Technique: How To Make Every Exercise More Effective – Justin Park
This is a really thorough review on one of the most under-appreciated aspects of training: tension.
Strength and Conditioning Programs: When Precision Tops Effort – John O’Neil
A common practice is giving near maximal effort on every….single….exercise. I love when people want to work that hard, but that mentality can also be as detrimental as it can be helpful.
Here’s John with a nice, rational piece explaining why “precision” and doing exercises correctly is vital for short and long-term success.
What Workout Program Works Best? – Erica Suter
I think I like Erica’s writing because much of the time it mirrors my tone and I can appreciate a good “bang my head against a wall” joke and references to dragons.
But, too, I think she makes a lot of sense and I respect the advice she gives.
People tend to over-think things and are always after what’s “best” or “optimal”
Newsflash: it all works.
Social Media Shenanigans
Stop using assessments to show people how broken they are. Use it as an opportunity to demonstrate to them success.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) August 17, 2017