We fucking did it!
My wife and I packed our shit (and Julian) into our car last Saturday night and took off for Florida early Sunday morning. It took us three hours on the dot to get from Boston to NYC.
And then we went 55 MPH across the GW Bridge (when normally a Hobbit walking to Mordor is faster)
In all we drove eleven hours on the first leg with a pitstop in Fayetteville, NC for a sleep break. We were up early again Monday morning and on the road by 7 AM to complete the last nine hour leg to Jensen Beach.
We arrived at 4:15 PM and Lisa was in the hot tub by 4:45 (not exaggerating).
Not to downplay anything, but if (and this is a BIG if) there’s a silver lining to any part of this pandemic it’s that traveling on the highways has never been more pleasant.
As I type these words I’m sitting poolside with my chill, deep house mix playing and Julian out cold taking his nap. We’re still doing the respectful thing and practicing good social distancing hygiene, but damn it’s waaaaaay easier to do with a pool (and a Grandma) in the mix.
Rule #1 of coaching:
It’s about your client, not you.
Just because YOU like to squat, deadlift, OH press, flip tires, take a spin class while going keto…
…doesn’t mean your client(s) will be successful with it as well.
Cater to THEIR injury history, ability level & goals.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) May 6, 2020
Dynamic Lifestyle Podcast w/ Chris & Eric Martinez
Here’s a quick 15-20 minute episode I did with Chris & Eric Martinez of the Dynamic Lifestyle Podcast
Four Challenges Boston Fitness Businesses Face in Surviving COVID-19 – Tessa Yannone
This isn’t just a Boston thing.
I’m sure all of my colleagues across the USA (and world) can commiserate with this article. Shout-out to my good friends Steve & Lindsay Bergeron of AMP Fitness who helped contribute to this article.
The Positive Impact of Strength Training for High-School & College Athletes – Matthew Ibrahim
Speaking personally, I started lifting weights because I wanted Nicole Kot to notice me in 8th grade.
She never did.
Thankfully, as this article more poignantly points out: I got much, much more out of the process.