
The State of Coaching 2023

Eric Malzone is one of my favorite people. I first”met” Eric several years ago when he invited me to take part in an invite only mentorship he was offering alongside several other fitness professionals he invited to take part.

It was a lovely experience and I met a handful of lifetime friends from that group.

Eric is a genuine soul and he’s given more to the industry than he’s taken. I love my chats with him, and my recent one with him – on his Future of Fitness Podcast – was no different.

The State of Coaching 2023

I can’t recall verbatim what we discussed in it’s entirety – I mean, we recorded this episode back in March – but what I CAN tell you is that we had an authentic conversation on what it means to be a coach and what it means to actually be coaching.

And, in all likelihood, there was a reference or two (or three) to deadlifts and Lord of the Rings.

You can listen to the episode wherever it is you tend to listen to such things:

Apple – HERE

Spotify – HERE

An Alternate Universe Where Everyone Who Claims to Have Squatted 405 (for reps) In High-School Must Provide Video Evidence – HERE


Vulnerability in Crisis: Appearance on The Future of Fitness Podcast

Copyright: dr911 / 123RF Stock Photo

The Future of Fitness Podcast: Vulnerability in Crisis…and Cat Memes

I had the pleasure of being invited back onto The Future of Fitness Podcast recently with my good friend Eric Malzone. If there’s ever a time to sit down, take a breath, and really talk about your feelings…it’s now.

There’s no sugarcoating anything.

Stuff sucks.

At this point I want nothing more than to tell 2020 to just go stfuuuuuuu.

Like many other fitness professionals out there I’m at a loss as to what to say and what to expect. I’m trying to figure things out as I go too.


  • Should I purchase the Pro or Business plan on Zoom?
  • How can I best serve my clients?
  • What can I expect once things turn back to normal? What will “normal” even be or consist of? What percentage of clients will come back to the gym?
  • How hard am I going to have to resist tossing my face into an ax over (gym) lease and rent negotiations?
  • Will my wife ever see me NOT wear gray sweatpants again?

I don’t know a lot, but what I do know is that it’s okay to feel our feelings during this weird, weird time. I don’t know about you, but I feel pretty damn vulnerable of late and I discuss it during my chat with Eric.

Give it a listen below.


Or check it out on The Future of Fitness website – HERE.

Or iTunes – HERE