
Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: The Hero Handbook

The Hero Handbook – Nate Green

What can I say, that guy has his shit together.  Nate has traveled around the world, started his own successul small business, eliminated all debt, has been featured in the likes of Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness,, and has essentially taken life by the balls and hasn’t made any excuses along the way.  It’s inspiring really, and is exactly why he wrote this handbook – to prove to everyone (even you), that you can live the life of your dreams.

And It’s Free

No newsletter sign-ups, no entering your email, so spam.  It’s free.  No strings attached.

I’ve started reading it myself, and I have to say – it’s good, real good.  Favorite line so far:

Don’t have the body you want? Your fault.

Working a job you don’t like? Your fault.

Shitty grades in school? Your fault.

Up to your eyeballs in debt? Your fault.

It’s all your fault. But this is actually great news.

Because it’s your fault, you can take responsibility for it. And if you take responsibility for it, you can change it.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  Nate’s a great dude, entertaining writer, and obviously has a wealth of knowledge to share that goes well beyond his years.  Do yourself a favor and check it out – I promise it will be well worth it.