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Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/17/15

Only two weeks left until the Elite Training Workshop – Boston is held on Saturday, August 1st.

[Can you believe it’s almost August?]

I’m really excited for this event and think it’s going to be a awesome experience for those who attend. The line-up is pretty rad and the flow of the day is set up in a way where each presenter presents and then immediately follows that up with a hands-on portion.

So it’s less blah-blah-blabidy-blah and more “holys*** did you see Artemis Turkish get-up Tony? That’s badass.”

It’s going to be an awesome day for fitness professionals to learn from some of the best minds in the biz. CEUs are available. And I may or may not wear a movie quality Chewbacca mask.

Click HERE for more information.

ALSO: The Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop


Dean Somerset and I are excited to announce our latest series: The Complete Shoulder & Hip Training Workshop.

We teamed up last year for a handful of workshops – London, DC, LA –  and didn’t want to kill each other, so we figured we’d do it again this year

This time we’re going to place a ton of emphasis on the hips and shoulders. We’ll talk anatomy, assessment, corrective exercise, programming, and we’ll also be doing a fair amount of coaching/hands-on demonstrations. And maybe, just maybe, in honor of Dean’s Canadian heritage, play the entirety of Bryan Adams’ library of songs. So much awesome to be had!

CEU’s will be available for all workshops.

EDMONTON (in August, so it won’t be cold as balls).

ST. LOUIS (in September, maybe catch a Cards game?)

CHICAGO (in October, it won’t be windy then, right?)

(Just Added) LOS ANGELES (in November, Tony finally does his tour of bars from the movie Swingers).

Now on to this week’s stuff to read.

7 Bad Foods That Are Good For You – TC Luoma

First: TC is an amazing writer, one of my favorites.

Second: bacon.

Third: that is all.

What Being Obsessed With Your Phone Can Teach You About Fitness – Jessi Kneeland

There’s a joke amongst my friends that I’m one of the hardest people to get a hold of because I hate carrying my phone with me everywhere I go.

It’s not uncommon for me to answer text messages 24-48 hours after the fact.

And don’t even get me started on those people who walk down the sidewalk (or worse, across the street) with their head pointed down towards their phone.

I loved this post by Jessi.

Why Do We Give Caffeine a Free Pass? – Eric Cressey

[Ironically, as I type these words I’m pounding a Spike. Oops]

Excellent post by Eric.