CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 6/6/14

Sorry gotta keep this quick today.  I just got done coaching bootcamps and I’ve got a 1PM appointment to get to, which only leaves me 30 minutes to post this, take a shower, solve some long division, and then try to catch the T.  Ahhhhhhhhh.

9 Essential Strength Benchmarks for Women – Patrick Striet

Loved the overall message of this slideshow.  Ladies, no one says you “can’t train like the boys” or that you “can’t get stronger.”  It’s BS.  And anyone who says so probably has never trained anyone in real life in the first place or plays Dungeons & Dragons alone in their basement.

The Simple Deadlift Program – Matt Kroc

Who am I to argue with Matt Kroc?  The guy’s bigger than Paul Bunyan.

I’m a BIG fan of simple, and this plan is about as simple as it gets.

8 of the Smartest People in Fitness Industry Share Their Healthy Travel Tips – compiled by Will Owen

I was honored to be lumped into the same breath as the others who contributed to this article.