CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 12/19/14

In case you missed it yesterday (I posted it later than usual), I had the opportunity to be a guest on the Inside the Athletic Grind Podcast earlier this week. I know pretty much everyone and their mailman is listening to the Serial Podcast nowadays, but if you need a slight change of pace, and something a bit less “heavy,” and you have an hour to kill (<—– LOL, pun intended. You know, cause the Serial Podcast is about a real murder)… can check out my interview HERE.

I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again today: it’s easily one the funnest interviews I’ve done in a while.

Know what else is going to be fun? Watching The Battle of the Five Armies this weekend!!!!!!!!

I bought tickets for myself, Lisa, and the couple we’re going to see it with about two weeks ago. We saw Desolation of Smaug last year with the same couple at one of those Super Deluxe theaters (where you have a lounge chair, unlimited popcorn, and you can order a meal to eat if you want), and we figured we might as well go see Five Armies in the same fashion. Cause, why wouldn’t you?

This movie is going to be awesome. And from what I’ve read and listened to, the last battle scene in the movie is 45 minutes of nerd Viagra. OMG I can’t even stand it!!!!!!! I’ll report back next week to tender my thoughts.

Has anyone else seen it already? Liked it? Disliked it?

Projection: Or How to Show Your Clients You’re Not Listening to a Damn Thing They’re Saying – Dr. Mark Cheng

I say it ALL the time: what works for one athlete or client, may not work for someone else. In all likelihood it won’t work. Which is why it’s unfortunate when some coaches and personal trainers train all their clientele in the exact same manner.

It’s dumb, Stop doing it. You suck.

Ultimate Athleticism – Max Shank

Today (12/19) is the LAST day to purchase Max Shank’s Ultimate Athleticism at the sick discounted price. I’m telling you right now, Max is a different cat. He’s a meathead like the rest of us who read this blog, but he truly feels that many, many people are missing the boat with regards to their training.

In short: we move like shit, and people aren’t athletic enough!

Max’s book covers a lot of material, but he tends to place most of his focus on four key movements:

1. L-Press to Handstand

2. Deadlift

3. Front Lever

4. Airborne Lunge

It all sounds intimidating, but I promise he’s not advocating we all quit our day jobs and join Cirque de Soleil just yet. While he comes from a heavy gymnastics background (self-taught mind you, which is impressive itself), he offers a TON of regressions and progressions to help people master their movement and work up to the exercises listed above.

If you’re looking for something different, something that will challenge you, and get you outside your comfort zone, Ultimate Athleticism is the real deal.

What Wearing Dresses Taught me About Authenticity – Jessi Kneeland

I’ve known Jessi for a few years. She’s an awesome trainer at one of the best personal training facilities in the country – Peak Performance, located in NYC.

And while she has a lot to say as a coach, and a lot of great things to say, I felt this post presented a very powerful message even if it doesn’t fit into a “fitness specific” mold.

CategoriesProgram Design Strength Training

But Can You Move Your Body?

I hate Max Shank.

He’s a phenomenal strength coach with a unique perspective and approach that I admire. He’s also a lovely human being. But I still hate him.

Why?  Because I’m not him.

He can do cool stuff like deadlift 315 (for reps)….on one leg. He can do handstands, backflips, L-sits, overhead press a human being, squat a metric shit-ton, and probably win a fight against Batman and/or a pack of ninjas. And he’s ripped. What a jerk!

It’s really impressive to watch the things he can do. And it’s even more impressive to watch him coach regular people to do all of the same things (except maybe the whole fighting Batman thing). Which is why I admire his work.

He just released his new resource, Ultimate Athleticism, this week. While I’ve only had the chance to peruse the first few chapters, I can tell you that Max’s approach to training is different compared to anything else you’ve ever come across. While it may seem like the things he can do are superhuman, it’s important to understand that, despite not having a gymnastics background, he taught himself how to do those things through persistence, practice, and implementing the proper progressions.

What’s more, he teaches regular people how to do all the same things….every day! He’s adamant that lifting heavy things is important. But in addition to that he feels building more overall athleticism is the key to help fill in the gaps to better performance and a better body (and one that’s less likely to break down!).

In today’s guest post he discusses a few ways to accomplish this feat. Enjoy! And be sure to check out Ultimate Athleticism HERE.

But Can You Move Your Body?

Smashing weights in the gym makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I can’t get enough of it.

Warm and Fuzzy Pic Credit: Snuggle Pup

I feel like the tides are shifting in the sense that more people are sharing that same passion for fitness.

But like everything else, it leads to extremes on both sides. This is especially true with those of us who are smashing weights.

It’s a bit silly how getting winded while walking up the stairs or not being able to squat to full depth without 300lbs on your back can somehow be a badge of honor among heavy lifters.

Some of you are probably thinking, “this guy doesn’t even lift, bro.” Here’s the deal; the pendulum has swung to far to the right. The goal hasn’t become, get stronger, or more athletic–it’s become lift more weights, or do more reps.

Before you excommunicate me from the lifters guild, just hear me out.

I’m still suggesting we all continue to hammer away at heavy deadlifts and throw ridiculous weights overhead, but let’s do just a couple things to make it more well-rounded. Let’s get more athletic for life, not just for gym movements.

So without further ado, here a couple simple things you can do to get more athletic without losing your heavy lifting gainz.


Combining yoga, dance, martial arts–whatever floats your boat–move around and improve your coordination at the same time. Throw this in at the beginning of your session and splice it in to your heavy lifts as an active rest.


Don’t just jump straight up, and don’t just sprint straight ahead. Move in a variety of directions! Jump onto things, off of them. One leg, two legs. Lateral bound, maybe even learn how to do some basic tumbling if you have anyone willing to teach you.


Upper body strength has, for whatever reason, become very one-dimensional. There are so many gymnastics, or even breakdancing movements with steady progressions starting out at a beginner level that will give you an even greater stimulus, and ultimately more gains than traditional gym movements targeting the upper body.

My two personal favorites are L Sit to Handstands, and Front Levers. If you’re confused, just go balance on your hands and climb stuff–a great substitute for overhead presses and pull-ups, respectively.

If your goal, like mine, is to be able to crush it athletically in any situation I am ever tossed into, you’re going to have to widen your spectrum of athleticism. Keep smashing heavy weights but add in some other movements to fill the gaps in your overall athleticism.

Ultimate Athleticism is on sale NOW through the end of the week. You can check it out HERE.

About the Author

Max is an author, coach, and owner of Ambition Athletics in Encinitas, CA. He also competes in a wide variety of sports ranging from Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu to Scottish Highland Games.

Max’s desire to constantly improve his knowledge and personal skills has led him to be a sought after international presenter of his unique and pragmatic blend of strength, flexibility, health, and overall athleticism.

Instagram: maxshank

Twitter: maxshank