CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 12/4/15

A few housekeeping things to hit on before we dive into this week’s list.

1) A quick reminder that I will be in Frisco, TX on Sunday, December 27th doing a 1-day workshop on “The Athletic Shoulder” at Full Throttle Athletics. I’ll discuss things like upper extremity assessment (static and dynamic), why the term “shoulder impingement” is garbage, how to write effective programs around certain shoulder pathologies, coach up a few exercises, and probably talk about Star Wars. Because, Star Wars.

For more information you can go HERE.

2) Eric and Chris Martinez – AKA: the Dynamic Duo – who have written for this site several times, just released a FREE 2-week mini course directed towards newbies (or those who are inundated with too much information) breaking down everything from training and nutrition mistakes to how build better adherence.

I think you should check it out. Go HERE.

3) Lastly, I made a recent appearance on The Fitcast where Kevin and I spoke about my recent transition from Cressey Sports Performance to doing my own thing in Boston. And Fast 7.

Take a listen HERE.

And now lets get to this week’s list of stuff to read.

Learn to Grind – Mike Tuchscherer

Mike is known as one of the more analytical lifters out there. The guy is super meticulous when it comes to mapping out his training and he’s famous for saying smart things like “what gets measured gets managed.”

In this article he discusses the “grind.” Good? Bad? What does it mean?

So Now Kale is Bad For You? – Adam Bornstein

Kale. Freaking KALE is bad for you? It’s absurd to think, right? Well, apparently some journalist wrote an article on why it’s bad. Or, rather, what we put on kale is bad. But the damage is still done.

Adam thinks it’s a shame (and I concur) that someone would write this, and here’s why.

6 Ways to Healthier Shoulders and a Stronger Bench Press – Jennifer Blake & Jen Sinkler

In anticipation of the release of Unapologetically Strong next week, “the Jens” have been sharing a ton of excellent information this week detailing the ins and outs of the “big 3” and getting women fired up to powerlift!

I love it.

NOTE: you’ll need to provide your email in order to watch the video above. But 1) I promise it’s worth it and 2) “the Jens” aren’t a-holes. They won’t spam you.