1. I made a cameo appearance on The Fitcast this week along with my friend Jen Heath. For those of you that don’t know what it is, The Fitcast is a weekly fitness and nutrition Podcast hosted by Kevin Larrabee and Jimmy Smith. Kevin has done a fantastic job with it, and it’s soon going to celebrate it’s 100th episode. Congrats!
2. Being kinda-sorta a big deal in the industry (one person recognized me at the last seminar I went to), I’ve never been bashful in recommending products that I come across that I feel my readers could benefit from. One of the best products I’ve come across this year has been Combat Core Training by Jim Smith (of Diesel Crew fame). Essentially what you’re getting is a manual that shows you unique ways to train your core and look bad-ass doing it. Definitely check it out.
3. Cassandra Forsythe wrote a really cool article titled The Low Fructose Diet. And before people start going bat shit crazy……no, fruit is NOT bad for you. But Cassandra does give some insight on why limiting your fructose intake while dieting might be a good idea. Check it out here.
4. Best. Video. Ever. Warning: geek factor very high it is.
5. I’d like to give a shout out to my client Michelle for starting her own blog devoted entirely to hating on people who piss her off at the gym where she trains when she’s not at Cressey Performance. I should just quit right now, because I’ll never write about anything so awesome (unless Jessica Biel decides she hates wearing clothes and confesses she loves strength coaches who’s name start with T and end with ony Gentilcore)