1.  Figured I’d start this week off with an Operation Co-Habitation update.  As many of you who already read this blog know – my girlfriend, Lisa, and I moved in together about a week ago today.  The good news:  neither of us have felt the need to strangle the other yet.  The bad:  read below.

I’m what you would call an introvert.  Mistakenly, many are under the impression that introverts are socially reclusive people, who hate human interaction, live in their mother’s basement, and play World of War Craft in their spare time.

In fact, as Lisa (who’s getting her PhD in Sports Psychology, so she’s wicked smaht) has noted to me on numerous occasions, introverts are just people who prefer to “re-energize” by doing stuff on their own.  For some, they need to be around others to “reboot” or derive energy from.  So, if you’re the type of person, for instance, who likes to go out with friends and colleagues for happy hour after work on a Friday, you’re most likely an extrovert.

Conversely, if you’re like me, you like to get a few hours to yourself every now and then and head to the local coffee shop to get some writing done, or maybe the local bookstore to peruse some books, chill, and catch up on some reading.  Heck, maybe you go catch a Saturday matinee at the theater, or head to the local Farmer’s Market and just walk around eating beef jerky.  It’s all good.  The point is, you just need some “me time.”

Well, as it so happens, every Friday night when I get home from the facility, I like to get away and have a little “Tony Time.”  Lisa is totally cool with it, and more often than not, usually takes the opportunity to make plans with one of her girlfriends.

This past Friday was no different:  I grabbed my backpack, put my laptop and book inside, kissed Lisa goodbye, and left her and her friend, Jess, to do whatever it is that girls do when they’re alone.  Which, of course, means pillow fights right?

Anyways, a few hours passed, when I finally got a text from Lisa saying, “babe, can you come home now, please?” Now, a few hours before she had texted me saying that she and Jess were attacked (attacked in this sense just means they saw it) by the elusive mouse that’s in our apartment, and I just assumed that she needed me to come home to take care of business.

Being the good boyfriend that I am, I packed my things, bolted out the door, and took the five minute walk home to prepare myself for World War III with this mouse.

What do I arrive to?  Lisa and Jess sitting on the couch watching, of all things, Pretty Woman.

Pretty FREAKING Woman


2.  Anyone looking for a good book to read should pick up Dan John’s Mass Made Simple.  I picked a copy up a few weeks ago, and am now just starting to dive into it.  I’ve always loved Dan John’s writing.  His other book, Never Let Go, is arguably one of my all-time favorite strength and conditioning books if for no other reason than he just makes sense.

One of my favorite quotes from that book was when, in response to someone saying that squats were dangerous, Coach John replied, “not wearing a seatbelt is dangerous.”


That said, Mass Made Simple is no different.  The title alone speaks for itself – contrary to popular thought, you don’t need some advanced text giving you elaborate algorhytms that only a person with a degree from MIT can decifer.  Building muscle, while that easy, definitely isn’t THAT complicated.

I’d highly recommend it to anyone looking to add some meat to their frame or just looking for great perspective from one of the best coaches out there.

3.  I’m not gonna lie:  One of the best perks of co-owning (and working) at a premiere facility is the free gear that’s often thrown my way.  Between all the college and professional athletes that walk through our facility, much to my girlfriend’s chagrin, I never have a shortage of t-shirts to wear.

Recently, however, the staff has been lucky enough to have the opportunity to try out a lot of New Balance gear – specifically their new Minimus footwear.

Like many shoe companies, New Balance has noticed the ever growing trend of minimalist footwear that has saturated the market, and they’ve gone out of their way to produce a shoe that not only feels amazing, but doesn’t look “silly” either.

I’ve had my pair for a week, and I can’t take them off.  The true test is to see how they hold up after a month or two of training, but for now, I love them!

4.  Just a quick reminder:  the Peak Training and Diet Design Seminar will be the weekend of July 8th.  Both Joe Dowdell and Dr. Mike Roussell will be presenting, and from what I hear, they’re expecting a great turn out.  I’ve already booked my tickets on Bolt Bus to take from Boston to NYC, and I can’t wait!

5.  I just read HERE that NBA star, Ron Artest, is going to legally change his name to, of all things, Metta World Peace.

Okay, so let me get this straight.  The same guy who, in 2004, jumped into the stands and attacked a fan causing one of the worst brawls in NBA history, is now changing his name to something douchy like Metta World Peace?

If that’s not an oxymoron of epic proportions, I don’t know what is.  What’s next?  Kobe Bryant changing his name to Kobe Fidelity?   LOL – get it?  Get it?  You see, he cheated on his wife and……. Oh never mind.

That should do it for today.  I’m out.


