As you’re reading this, I’m busy packing up my dishes (which may or may not include a Thunder Cats special edition glass I got when I was twelve), some clothes, one plant I’ve managed to keep alive for the past year, and arguably the greatest DVD and Blu-Ray collection even known to man stuff.  It’s a bitter-sweet day to say the least.

Bitter in that I’m leaving my bachelor pad (and my nunchuicks) behind.  Also, this is the sixth or seventh (I’ve lost count) consecutive year I’ve had to move, and it’s raining, so this sucks!

Sweet in that I’m turning the page in my life and moving in with someone who has blown me away with her compassion, intelligence, smile, humor, enthusiasm, kindness, and of course, affinity to deadlift and do sprints with me on Sundays.

So yeah, I feel pretty lucky today.  Anyways, I have my hands full for obvious reasons, so below are some links you should check out.

Understanding Compression When Squatting – John Izzo

Fantastic post by John on one of the most common myths in fitness history.

The Kinetic Chain Ripple Effect – Mike Reinold

Mike is a ninja when it comes to photoshop (read the article, and you’ll get the reference), and he’s kinda smart, too.

Bro Badasses – Nia Shanks

The title speaks for itself.  Nia has copywrited the term Beautiful Badasses (may or may not be true), but it only  makes sense since she’s responsible for helping to bring light to the fact that women can indeed lift heavy things and still be feminine at the same time.  Following the popularity of her Beautiful Badass franchise, here, she gives us fellas some love.

And finally, this video is just too awesome not to share:

Speaking as a former collegiate pitcher (1998 Division II Player to Watch, thank you very much), if someone did that to me, I wouldn’t throw at him in his next at bat.  That’s just bushleague.  No no no no no no, my friend….I’d throw at his mother…..sitting in the stands. 

I have to admit, though, that WAS one epic pimp job.  Well done, sir.  Well done.

Alright, time to get to work.  Wish me luck/I better get my security deposit back!