I just happened to step on the scale this morning, and noticed that I’ve lost roughly eight lbs since starting this whole moving process a few days ago.  Good grief!  That’s just unacceptable!  I kind of feel like Christian Bale’s character from The Machinist – only I’m not getting paid seven figures to look like an emaciated crack addict.

But, in the grand scheme of things, this shouldn’t come as a surprise given I’ve done nothing but lug around boxes for the past 48 hours.  The kicker?  We’re only about 75% done.  Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

Anyways, the good news is that our apartment is now connected to the 21st Century – I’m wriing this blog post from our floor as I type this (the furniture isn’t here yet).  And, even more importantly, after over a year of not having it, I now have cable!  One Word:  SportsCenter.

Also, on an aside, I was able to catch a lift at the local commercial gym here in my new neighborhood yesterday and I was surprised to find that the deadlift Nazi’s didn’t show their ugly heads.  Normally, as ridiculous as it sounds, many gyms frown on meatheads coming into their domain and lifting heavy things off the floor.  As a matter of fact, I’ve seen instances where signs are put up saying:  NO DEADLIFTING ALLOWED. 

This place, though, actually ENCOURAGED their members to deadlift, even going so far as to post a thorough write up on the beneftis of deadlifting on one of their display boards.  Needless to say, it was refreshing.

What’s more, no one flinched when I took my shoes off to train.  In the past, I’ve had instances where everyone but a HAZMAT team approached me to please put my shoes back on.  Suffice it to say, it was cool to walk into a place that “gets it.” 

Anyways, I still feel like I’m running around like a chicken with its head cut-off – I have a ton of errands to run this morning before I head out to the facility.  So, to that end, I’m just going to leave you with a picture I took the other day with my camera that I thought was humerous.  I’m not kidding when I say our staff lifts are pretty intense at times.  Don’t believe me? Check out the workout one of our interns, Sam, did the other day:

Who needs CrossFit Workout of the Day when you have interns who stab people?

Okay, have an awesome weekend.  I’ll be back with actual content next week – promise.