I’m pretty stoked on a few fronts today. For starters, as of tonight, I’ll finally be done with my Muslce Imbalances Revealed presentations, so you can all breath a sigh of relief that I’ll stop talking about them so incessantly.
Secondly, as of yesterday, the Kansas City Royals are in town for a four game series against the Red Sox, which means CP’s own Tim Collins (AKA Waterhorse) should be making a few cameo appearances here and there. He came in and pitched a clean 7th inning last night, but I’m hoping he may get an appearance today since my girlfriend and I (who haven’t been to Fenway together since we first started dating….over two years ago) are headed to the game where I got tickets right behind the visitor’s bullpen. HA!
And lastly, I just drank a Spike, so I pretty much feel like I just took a shot of adrenaline to my left ventricle. Life is good.
As such, I don’t really have anything particular I wanted to write about today, so here’s some stuff to read to keep you occupied until tomorrow.
The Big Lie – Dr. Michael Eades, M.D, H.N (Honorary Ninja for writing such an awesome article)
It’s pictures like the one shown above that truly show just how misinformed the general public is when it comes to things like saturated fat. In short, it’s a lie – and one that Dr. Eades blows wide open and drops kicks in the face in the post above.
But rather than write a witty synopsis, I’ll defer to the good doctor himself to help entice you to click on the link.
Nutritionally I can’t think of a bigger lie than the one claiming that fats in general and saturated fats in particular are bad for us. This lie is so deeply embedded in the minds of most that you couldn’t blow it out with a stick of dynamite. Especially in the minds of academics, and more especially in the minds of most dietitians. Not all, but most. Nutritionally, it is truly the Big Lie.
Can Shoes Really Tone the Body? – Gretchen Reynolds
In a word: absolutely not.
Get It Right: The Deadlift – Tim Henriques
There are only a handful of topics that, no matter the time nor place, I’ll always take the time to read if I happen to come across them:
1. Behavorial Economics – for those interested, you should check out Dan Ariely’s blog HERE.
2. Star Wars
3. How to convince your girlfriend to make you a meatloaf sandwich
4. Poop
5. Deadlifts
Here, Tim gives an excellent overview of what’s actually happening when you deadlift wihich, when all is said and done, will undoubtedly making programming them easier for your athletes and clients.
And I’m out!