In light of the upcoming holiday weekend (no, I’m not referring to my birthday), like everyone else, I’m bowing out early today and basically preparing myself mentally to do nothing but head up to Maine for a few days to chill with friends, take a power nap (or two), eat copious amounts of dead animal flesh**, partake in some quality beach time, and of course, make fun of Eric’s farmer’s tan.

That being the case, below is a video from Martin Rooney, of Training For Warriors fame, that was sent my way via Facebook, and I thought I’d share with all of you because, well… just pissed so much excellence.

It’s a litlte over six minutes, but definitely worth every second. Great stuff – especially the kegel exercises joke (sorry ladies).

Anyways, for those reading who reside in the States, have an awesome 4th of July weekend.  Have fun, be safe, and if you happen to cross paths with anyone who serves in the Armed Forces, make sure to give him or her a high five.  See you next week!


** and cookies