First off, I want to thank everyone for the kind words and for supporting the initial launch of Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body yesterday.  In reality, however, all the kudos should go towards Rick Kaselj who’s the mastermind behind it all – the man behind the curtain if you will.   So far, feedback has been great and Rick has gone out of his way to provide people with a bunch of awesome bonuses during the initial launch.

For instance, those who purchased yesterday received a presentation that Rick did on “Advance Training Concepts in Exercise Rehabilitation of the Rotator Cuff.”  Likewise, for those who purchase Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body today, you’ll receive information on a VIP Coaching Call where you’ll have the opportunity to call in and take part in a Q&A session with all the contributors.  And, who knows:  maybe I’ll sweeten the deal and offer to bust out my rendition of R. Kelly’s “Ignition” for the hell of it.  Parts I AND II.

Rick, if you’re reading, that needs to happen!

And that’s that.  Oh, and before I forget, be sure to check back tomorrow because both myself and fellow contributor (and current newlywed), Dean Somerset, will be running a cross-interview we did with one another discussing everything from MIRU to my affinity for Star Wars references.  It’s pretty awesome.  The interview, I mean.

Anyhoo, here’s some stuff to read:

3 Deadlifting Tips You May Have Never Heard Before – Brendon Rearick

Admittedly, I’ve touched on the whole “packing the neck” thing in previous posts and articles, but Brendon brings to light two other concepts that I had never thought of before, which I felt were VERY cool.

And speaking of deadlifts – and not to overshadow Brendon’s article or anything – here’s a video of me pulling 505 lbs for eight reps yesterday.

Tank wasn’t impressed, it seems.  Jerk!

5 Ways the Nutrition Field Hinders Its Own Progress – Andy Bellatti, RD

All in all a fantastic, real, look into some of the more common ways the industry trips over its own feet.  The best part, though, was the last few paragraphs where Andy kinda-sorta calls out the ADA – the same organization he’s affiliated with.  Nevertheless, it’s nice to know that there are some independent thinkers out there who aren’t ADA zombies.

Teach Your Female Personal Training Clients to Train Like Men – Neghar Fonooni

I’ve never met Neghar in person (pictured above), but I’ve read enough of her stuff to know that I’d definitely include her on my list of “Badass Females Whom I’d Like to Give a High Five.”

In my ten years experience as a fitness professional, I have encountered a handful of intrinsically motivated females. There are some who train purposefully, fearlessly and intentionally. Most, however, have required some convincing, and it is through the power of persuasion that I have had the unique pleasure of watching countless women experience a paradigm shift.

And that, in a nutshell, is what Neghar is all about.  And I can dig that.