In lieu of yesterday’s Tolstoy’esque post (man, that was a long one), and given the fact that my brain is already in beach mode with Labor Day weekend right around the corner, today I’m just going to direct you to an interview I did at my old stomping ground – The FitCast – a few days ago with Kevin Larrabee.

Talking Shop With Tony Gentilcore

And talk shop we did!  Kevin and I covered a host of topics including but not limited to:  assessment, training females, Muscle Imbalances Revealed, how to get more veggies in your diet, and Kevin’s unhealthy affinity for really, really, REALLY bad movies. 

In all, the interview is a little less than 30 minutes long, so sit back, grab your earphones, and enjoy.

On that note, have an awesome weekend everyone!  I’m heading to the Vineyard (totally rubbing it in)!!!!!