1.  Like many of you reading I’m constantly on the go, and between writing in the morning, coaching in the afternoon, and fighting crime in the evening, sometimes, I just don’t have the time to cook or prepare a decent meal.  To that end, it’s not uncommon for me to resort to eating protein bars on a daily basis.  Not all the time, of course – but when I’m in a pinch, they certainly come in handy.  Two brands that I have been crushing lately are Larabar and the new Promax Energy Bars.

To be blunt, Larabar’s are the shit.  Unlike many of the highly processed “gunk-y” bars to chose from that end up tasting like sandpaper dipped in fart, Larabars are completely (okay, mostly) natural and only contain upwards of 3-5 ingredients, which is definitely something that appeals to me.

And, while not quite as “natural” compared to Larabar, the new Promax Energy Bars are a step above most namely because they’re one of the few “mainstream” bars that use Stevia instead of all those nasty articifical sweetners.  I had a few samples sent to me a few weeks ago, I pretty much devoured them within a few days

Again, REAL food is definitely the way to go, but if you’re in a pinch and need something quick to tide you over, these are definitely legit options.

2.  And since I’m on a food kick at the moment, I want to direct everyone’s attention to a site which I have referenced before in the past:  carascravings.com.

Cara is a client of CP – so she likes to lift heavy things, which should give her some crediability right off the bat.  But even more important is that Cara is obsessed with cooking food.  More specifically, she obsessed with cooking delicious, HEALTHY food.

Moroccan Chickean with Chickpeas, Dates and Raisins?  Check

Paleo Friendly Granola?  To diiiiiiiiiiiiie for.

What’s more is that she’ll break down the macronutrient profile of EVERY recipe she makes, which is something that, I feel, seperates her from the masses. 

Give it a look, I promise you won’t regret it.

3.  So remember that movie Food Inc, and how it pretty much opened people’s eyes to the shadiness of the food industry here in America?  Well, another documentary, in much the same way, is starting to create some buzz and is starting to gain national exposure:  Farmageddon.

It’s playing here in Boston this week, and I’ve already bought my tickets to see it tomorrow.  I don’t know, something tells me I’m going to walk away very angry and have to resist the urge to perpetually stab myself in the cornea after watching it.  I’ll keep you posted……

4.  Speaking of awesome:  I took Lisa out to the movies on Saturday night, and we went and saw Drive.

Hoooooooooooooooly gratuitous violence Batman.  First off, the opening sequence pretty much sucks you in right away.  Second off, Ryan Gosling is just dreamy.  Third off, it has like three or four legit car chases.  And fourth off, it shows boobies.  Yep, I smell Oscar bait.

Okay, not really.  But don’t be turned off by my less than exemplary description: this is a VERY well made movie.  The director, Nicolas Winding Refn, who’s first feature, Bronson, won him a cult following, knows how to make dark, visually stunning movies – and this one is no different.

A word of caution, though, if you’re not a fan of graphic violence (and by graphic I mean someone getting their face beat it), then I’d probably steer clear.  If, on the other hand, watching people get stabbed in the throat is your kind of thing, then by all means, go for it.  Just remind your lady friend that, despite being a Ryan Gosling movie, this isn’t The Notebook.  Just sayin……

5.  I have a small favor to ask.  Amongst other things – Scrabble, Turkish Get-Ups, and small using prime examples – I suck at anything related to Excel.  It’s Greek to me, and I just don’t have the time to read Excel for Idiots. 

I’m looking to revamp a few things that I use Excel for, and I’d be willing to trade-barter with anyone who’s willing to offer up a little help.  Basically, in exchange for helping me out, I’d be willing to write a program (or two).  I may not know Excel, but I do know how to make people diesel.

So, if there’s anyone out there who’d be interested, shoot me an email and I can go into a little more detail.
