If there’s anyone who knows fat loss, it’s my boy John Romaniello (or Roman, for those who don’t like last names with a lot syllables). The man is a specimen, not to mention one of the smartest guys I know, and he’s one of only a handful of fitness professionals whom I would classify as a true fat loss expert.

He not only talks the talk, but he walks it as well, and unlike a lot of other so-called “fat loss experts” out there, there’s one, teeny tiny thing that separates him from the masses:

He actually trains people.  You know, in real life.

Moreover, if there’s anyone who knows comic books, it’s Roman. He didn’t spend his entire childhood in Captain America Underoos for nothing!

So it should come as no surprise that he’s been able to combine two of his favorite things – comic books and nakedness – into one extensive geekified project.

He’s worked with countless athletes, models, celebrities, and regular folk to help get them in the best shape of their lives, and Superhero Fat Loss – the sequel to last year’s uber popular Super Hero Workout – is a culmination of many of the principles and strategies that Roman uses on a day-to-day basis with his own real life clients.

Last year the entire Cressey Performance staff did the original program, and loved it.  It was challenging, unique, and more importantly…….we had a blast doing it!  And we’re already chomping at the bit to give this version a go around, too.

What’s more, unlike the vast majority of fat loss programs out there which have a tendency of being haphazardly pieced together with no rhyme or reason, Roman places a premium on LOGICAL programming that not only increases one’s sexiness quota, but will also help those who do it (in it’s entirety) get stronger and more athletic.

More to the point, it’s not going to HURT PEOPLE.

John’s gone out of his way to include balanced programming that incorporates a fair share of single leg work, a balance between pushing and pulling movements, and loads of mobility based exercises that will help people move better.

I mean, think about it: you can’t really call yourself a Super Hero if you have the movement quality of a rock.

But don’t worry: he’s also included a lot of things that will make you hate life as well.

To that end, I feel it’s a solid product and one that will help a lot of people get into awesome (shall I say, Superhero’esq) shape.

Later this week I’ll be sharing an interview I did with John which goes into a little more detail about the product, but in the meantime, give it a look yourself and see if it would be a good fit for YOUR goals.

 —–> Superhero Fat Loss <—–