Research will tell you that people tend to gravitate towards articles or blogs that are enumerated.  People love numbers, which is why some of the more popular articles you’ll come across – at least those that get circulated the most – are ones with a number attached.

I’ve written a few with this in mind, and I can attest that the number theory works:

19 Tips for the Deadlifts

4 Things Your Girlfriend Should Know (Revisited)

47 Reasons Why Matt Damon and I Would Be BFFs If We Were to Ever Hang Out (article still in progress).

So you can only imagine the epicness of not only writing an article with one number attached to it, but TWO!

My Top 10 Reasons Why Your “Top 10 Reasons I’m Not Paleo” Are Flawed – Todd Dosenberry (Primal Toad)

In the article linked above, Todd does an amazing job of dissecting another article written by one Ann Marie on why she’s not a fan of going Paleo.  Just to give you a small taste of her train of thought:

Paleo is a fad diet.

This despite the fact that humans have essentially been eating “Paleo” since the beginning of time.  Sorry, but we didn’t eat Pop Tarts back in the day.

While I agree that the term “I’m eating Paleo” gets a bit overplayed by some people and many take it to the extreme to the point of coming across as elitest doucheholes (okay dude, I get it, you like butter), to say that it’s some “fad” akin to something like the Baby Food Diet, is a bit misnomer.

Paleo is here to stay, and I view it as more of a lifestyle than a fad.

Bread isn’t all that bad and humans thrive on it!

Um, no, we don’t.

But whatever.  I’m not here to sway anyone one way or the other. I like the Paleo approach, but I certainly don’t adhere to it 100% of the time.  If you want to eat bread, eat bread.  But please don’t play it off like it’s some kind of panacea of health, when we certainly know otherwise.

Either way, I felt Todd wrote a very well written article and basically pwned this Ann Marie person.  Well played, sir.  Well played.

7 Strength Exercises > 5 Yoga Poses – Harold Gibbons

I agree with Harold.  Yoga is great for mental health and can undoubtedly help improve one’s flexibility (when applied correctly).  But to say that yoga is also great for building strength as well as providing a metabolic stimulus is a bit of a stretch.

HA! Pun totally intended!

Here, Harold breaks down a few common yoga poses and transforms them into something a little more palatable for those interested in getting stronger (while still reaping the benefits of increased flexibility and mobility). 

I received an email not too long ago from someone asking me whether or not there was another way to go about tracking one’s workouts without having to keep one of those mundane hand-written training logs.

Coincidentally enough, as of the past two months or so, I’ve been tracking my own training sessions on, and I LOVE it.

In an ever evolving digitized world (who needs pencils anyways?) is perfect for keeping track of your workouts, and what’s more, provides a fun and supportive “network” that will definitely help keep you more accountable.

Moreover, they provide one of the more extensive (and growing) exercise databases on the web along with various programs to follow written by their very own personal trainers, many of which are absolutely free.

Check it out today.