A few weeks ago I was contacted by Lisa Shaughnessy of The Fitness Marketing Q & A Show about coming onto her show and talking about Star Wars trivia.

LOLzzzz.  Okay, kidding.  As if the name didn’t give it away, the show really revolves around fitness marketing.

Outside of beef jerky, Matt Damon, and maybe the occasional re-run of old 90210 episodes on tv, there’s really nothing more I love than talking about myself.  But really, who doesn’t love to do that?

Me, me, me, and me. It’s all about ME!!!!!

Putting everything into context, however, I’ve never really thought of myself as a “marketing” type of guy.  I see the word “marketing” and automatically think of those cheesy infomercials that everyone watches when they’re up late and can’t fall asleep.

And if I were really going to be honest, I’m not that much of a fan talking about myself.

I mean, I do what I do and just kind of go with the flow.  It’s how I’ve always been.

Suffice it to say, by no means do I consider myself a marketing expert, but giving credit where credit is due, I feel I’ve done a decent job of building my “brand” and establishing myself as someone who doesn’t suck in this industry.

Although, I’m sure there are some out there who may disagree….;o)

That said, for those interested, below is a link to the show (it’s around 45 minutes) where Lisa and I cover, among other things:

  • How having a system in place improved my online coaching program (as well as discussing the advantages and DISADVANTAGES to coaching people in a distance based situation).
  • How writing for a local publication can be more important for your business than a national publication.
  • Hear how I used writing, podcasting and speaking engagements to help my information reach a wider audience.
  • What’s my promise for 2013. Hint: it’s something I feel everyone should be doing, but I haven’t gotten around to doing it myself (tsk tsk tsk).

I think it’s definitely worth your time, and hopefully gives people a little more insight on what I’ve done to help “mold” my career.  If nothing else, you get the chance to listen to my sultry voice while you’re driving your car or wherever it is you choose to listen.

I’d love to hear your feedback, and I know Lisa would as well!

Click ME (<==== That tickles).