I don’t think I’ve ever posted a blog post on a Sunday, so this must be for a good reason.  And it is.

It’s just a quick reminder that the EARLY BIRD special for mine and Dean Somerset’s Boston Workshop hosted at Cressey Performance the weekend of July 27th is ending on Monday, July 1st (whenever Dean wakes up from is beauty sleep).

We’re priming this whole shebang to be an epic weekend for sure. For starters we have a special guest speaker to kick things off Friday (the day prior) for all those people who arrive early and want something to do other than stare at their hotel walls or watch re-runs of Game of Thrones on HBO.

I don’t want to spoil anything but whoever this guest speaker is, I can tell you he deadlifts a metric shit ton of weight and he has an affinity for shoulder anatomy.  Oh, and his last name rhymes with Schmessey……;o)

Day numero uno is going to be all about assessment. We’ll go through the ins and outs and rationale for an assessment, but also include a large “hands on” portion as well. And, if we all play our cards right, Dean will use interpretive dance to demonstrate how to go about assessing one’s diaphragmatic breathing prowess.

Day two is going to be a hodgepodge of a number of things:  corrective exercise, programming considerations around hip, shoulder, knee, and core issues, and knowing how (and when) to regress or progress exercises.

In addition we’re going to cover coaching cues and technique when it comes to squats, deadlifts, and overhead dwarf throwing, to name a few.

It’s going to be an intimate affair since we’re capping the total number of seats available to 30. Our goal is to make this as dynamic and informative as possible, and we want to give people as much access to us as possible.

To help sweeten the pot, CEUs will be available through the NSCA and ACE. As well, I heard through the grapevine there may be some other “fitness celebrities” making the trip, so it’s looking like this is going to be a worthwhile networking opportunity as well.

Like I said, though, the early bird special ends on Monday (July 1st), and the price is going to increase significantly after that.

===> Come Hang Out With Dean and Tony <===