Note:  the following is an excerpt from my latest article on (full article is linked to at the bottom).  

I think it’s pretty awesome.  And if you think it’s pretty awesome too, then please (pretty please) “Like” it on the website and share it on all of your social media.  I’ll be your BFF forever!

If you don’t this it’s awesome – no hard feelings.  I’ll just be over here crying myself to sleep.

If I had to make a list of things I like in no particular order, it would look something like this:

  1. Turning right on red
  2. Anything involving Jason Bourne, ninjas, or zombies
  3. LOLCat videos
  4. Getting people strong
  5. Deadlifts

I’ll admit that as a strength coach, I’m biased when it comes to the last two. To me, nothing trumps strength. And nothing gets people stronger than good ol’ fashioned deadlifts.

Guys can brag about their squat numbers despite only hitting quarter reps, or even brag about a big bench press that’s more like an upright row for their spotter, but you can’t cheat a deadlift.

It’s you versus the barbell. You either rip that son of a bitch off the floor, lock it out, or not. The deadlift lends itself very well to gauge progress. It’s up to you, and brute strength, to break initial inertia off the ground. If you’re able to lift more weight over time without blowing your sphincter, you’re making progress!

Contrary to popular belief, there’s more to deadlifting than just bending over and hoisting a barbell off the ground. The following tips will undoubtedly clean up your technique and improve your deadlifting dominance.

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