1. Might as well start the week off with a funny story from this past weekend.  Saturday after work I had the honor of being invited to Norwood, Mass to speak at Velocity Sports to take their staff through an in-service on assessment and shoulder/arm care, with some shadow puppets mixed in for good measure.

On my way to Norwood I decided to stop by a Whole Foods to pick up a quick bit to eat, and as per usual I perused the prepared food section and got a chicken breast and then picked up a few protein bars.  Now, Whole Foods’ version of “protein bars” is a bit different than mine, but what I like about their selection are that the ingredients are limited and they don’t look like they came from a science fiction movie.

As such, lately, whenever I happen to stop by Whole Foods, I’ve been crushing Greens Plus Protein Bars, which, along with the benefits of not including any processed sugar, salt, corn syrup, hydrogenated oil, synthetic sweeteners, or any GMOs, also includes 16g of whey protein isolate.  Not too shabby if you ask me.

As I was going through the checkout line the cashier asked me if I had ever tried their (Greens Plus) Chia bars?  I replied no but that I love chia seeds, and that I include them on a daily basis in my shakes.

She was like, “yeah, it’s a great bar…..you know, because they ONLY use soy protein, which is so healthy for you.”

Little did she know that I was thiiiiiiiiiis close to going all Dead Poet’s Society on her, jump up on the counter, and scream how afoul her assertion was that soy protein was a healthy option.

Oh Captain, my Captain……

I’m not one of those guys who claims that soy protein is going to make you grow a third nipple – a little here and there certainly isn’t going to be the end of the world – and besides, it’s in almost everything, so it’s not like you can avoid it altogether anyways.

But to claim that it’s “so healthy for you” is a bit much. The soy that we eat here in the Western part of the word – full of anti-nutrients and phytoestrogens – is a far cry from the soy sources that are ingested in the East (which are not nearly as processed).

I wanted so badly to tell her to go read The Whole Soy Story and then tell me that soy is good for me.

But I’ve learned to pick my battles, and I just politely said, “yeah, that’s great,” smiled back, and went on my merry way.  And then a vomited a little in my mouth in the parking lot, but that’s neither here nor there.

2. I’ve recently been asked by Stack Magazine to provide more monthly content for their website, and they basically gave me free reign to write about whatever it is I want to write about, so long as it has to do with high-school and college athletes.

I figured I might as well nip things in the bud from the get go and decided to write about supplements and why I generally take more of a minimalist approach when suggesting to young(er) athletes on what to take.  In fact, I think the word “supplement” should be the last thing in their vocabulary.

Workout Supplements:  Do You Really Need Them?

3.  On a somewhat related note my friend, Jen Ator, is releasing her very first book for Women’s Health titled Shape-Up Shortcuts on September 3rd.

I was lucky enough of being asked by Jen if I’d be willing to include my own workout into the mix, and I gladly obliged. I provided a pretty kick-ass kettlebell circuit that  will get many women outside their comfort zone, but ultimately enjoy and have fun with.

In a nutshell the main theme of the book is that it’s not about being perfect 100 percent of the time or maintaining a strict diet or exercise routine; but rather doing the little things each day (like finding 20 minutes to exercise efficiently, making healthier choices even at just one meal per day, taking the stairs instead of the elevator) that can help keep you fit and healthy for life.

It’s available through pre-order NOW, and I’d be thrilled if you checked it out because I know Jen busted her butt to put this thing together, but also too, I think it’s a fantastic book.

4. If you have 12-15 minutes to spare I’d HIGHLY encourage you to check out this short feature on Innercity Weightlifting (located here in Boston) that was featured on ESPN a few weeks ago.  Pretty powerful stuff.

5. And just another reminder that registration for the 2nd Annual Cressey Performance Fall Seminar is still in full swing. For a full re-cap on the presentations or can go HERE.

But here are the nitty gritty details:


Cressey Performance,
577 Main St.
Suite 310
Hudson, MA 01749


Regular – $129.99 regular early bird (by September 8), $149.99 thereafter
Student (must present current student ID at door) – $99.99 early bird (by September 8), $129.99 thereafter


Sunday, September 22, 2013
Registration 8:30AM
Seminar 9AM-5:30PM

Continuing Education:

NSCA CEU pending (seven contact hours)

Click Here to Sign-up (Regular)


Click Here to Sign-up (Students)