First things first:  I have to give a brief shout out to one John Romaniello and his new wife Mrs. Neghar (formerly Fonooni) Romaniello on their freshly minted nuptials.

I had the lovely honor of being invited to their wedding this past weekend (last night, actually) here in the Big Apple, and it was every bit as an amazing wedding, and night, as I had imagined it was going to be. The air was filled with a palpable vibe of love, laughter, and Star Wars references.

The tables were labelled not by something traditional like 1,2,3…. or maybe more appropriately (since we were in NYC) names of certain neighborhoods in and around the city.  No, no, no.

Rather, each table was named after a planet or location in the Star Wars universe.  I, along with Eric Cressey and wife Anna were part of the Felucia tribe. For those non-nerds out there, Felucia (see pic above) was a key planet in the Clone Wars, and because of its density of flora and fauna and other plant life, had strong ties to the Living Force.

But everyone knows that.

If that wasn’t cool enough, the Officiant of the wedding actually wore a Jedi Cloak during the ceremony.  A JEDI CLOAK!!!!!!! I wasn’t able to take a picture of it in the flesh, but this should give you a good idea of what it looked like:

The entire night was full of surprises (and amazing food) and at one point I was half expecting The Ultimate Warrior to come flying down the aisle and challenge the entire wedding party to an arm wrestling match.

Speaking of the wedding party (and guests), as you can imagine, the line-up (for lack of a better term) included a Who’s Who of the fitness industry. It was undoubtedly one of the “fittest” crowds ever put underneath one roof I don’t think I’ve ever seen more 500+ lb deadlifters at one wedding in my life.

Moreover, it was just great to catch up with old friends and finally meet a few others whom I’ve only conversed with via email or social media.

So now I’m here sitting in my hotel room crushing SportsCenter and writing this blog post – in a leopard bathrobe, thank you very much.

I’m going to be hanging out for the next two days visiting friends and a few family members, and I’ll also be making a few cameo appearances at Peak Performance and one of the Crunch Fitness gyms to do a couple of staff in-services.  I might also see how long I can go wearing a Red Sox hat before getting tackled on the street.  My bet is half the day.

And on that note, here’s some stuff to read….

But before I do that I just want to remind everyone that TODAY (September 30th) is the LAST DAY to take advantage of the early-bird registration for mine and Dean Somerset’s Edmonton Workshop.

We had a blast with our Boston seminar and wanted to bring it north, and are limiting it to 30 attendees. The downside is that we’re already halfway to selling out, but the good news is our early bird registration price of $399 is still on until TONIGHT at midnight (before Tuesday for those clock sticklers out there), after which the price jumps $100.

Along with the wicked weekend, we have continuing education credits for ACE, canfitpro, and the NSCA so trainers can keep up their certifications. We’ll also have some sweet give aways, door prizes, pony rides, and an intimate, hands on atmosphere that means you’ll walk away with a crazy amount of knowledge, experience, and direct access to Dean and I.

For more info, the itinerary, as well as sign-up direction go HERE.

Surviving Whole Foods – Kelly MacLean

This was an absolutely HILARIOUS write-up on the whole “Whole Foods” experience.  For anyone who routinely shops there you’ll be able to nod your head in agreement throughout.  For those who don’t, I think you’ll still get a big laugh.

The Deficit: How We Lose Fat – Leigh Peele

It’s just calories in vs. calories out, right?  It’s as simple as that, right?

Wrong!  There’s a bit more to it than that, and Leigh weighs in on a few things people may be glossing over.

9 Ideas to Improve Your Workouts – Dan John

When Dan John speaks, you should listen.  This is yet another gem from one of my favorite coaches and writers.