CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Stuck at Home Not Wearing Pants

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done the last Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work, and I figured given the current pickle we’re all in I’d keep it real by naming this iteration something different.


Yay? Nay?

Doesn’t matter.

I’m keeping it until further notice…;o)

Copyright: maglara / 123RF Stock Photo


(Things I’ve appeared in, places I’m going, you know, important stuff)

In case you missed them the first time around  I’ve been getting a bevy of invites to podcasts so late.

1. The FitCast (Episode #500): Shelter In Place

Download/listen on iTunes – HERE

On the FitCast Network – HERE

2. The Grafters Podcast

Give it a listen (what else are you going to do?)

Download/listen via iTunes – HERE

Spotify – HERE

3. Future of Fitness Podcast

Give it a listen below.

Or check it out on The Future of Fitness website – HERE.

Or iTunes – HERE





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Looking for another row variation you can perform with a band? . Try this: Split Stance 1-Arm Band Row. . No diggidy, no doubt.

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Sedentary Behavior, Home Workouts, and Mental Boosts During Lockdown – Leigh Peele

Leigh chimes in with some much needed “therapy” and a nice collection of resources to point people towards to keep them sane during this weird, weird time.

COVID-19 is the Best Thing to Happen to the Industry in Years. Here’s 5 Reasons Why – Lee Boyce

If there’s any “good” to derive from the pandemic (in the fitness industry at least) Lee points out a few good ones in this article.

The Fitness in Broken – A Story About Hope – Jonathan Goodman

Cue slow clap here.


Appearance on The FitCast and the Grafters Podcast

Copyright: dr911 / 123RF Stock Photo

The FitCast – Shelter in Place

Some of you may recall that circa 2008-2009 I was one of the co-hosts of The FitCast alongside Kevin Larrabee, Leigh Peele, and Jonathan Fass.

Kevin figured it would be nice to reconnect the old gang to serve as a bit of an escape for everyone else during this shit-show of a time.

And, not for nothing: this ended up being EPISODE #500.

Congrats Kevin!

We ended up recording for close to two hours with an EPIC off-topic section at the end (SPOILER ALERT: Star Wars beat down ensues).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy (and here’s hoping Kevin decides to record a few more episodes with the four of us again. Pester him….haha).

Download/listen on iTunes – HERE

On the FitCast Network – HERE

The Grafters Podcast

I enjoy every podcast I am invited on to, but this one in particular was a delight take part in. The Grafters podcast is hosted by Chris Kershaw and Reanne Francis who are both personal trainers located in Leeds, UK.

In this episode we discuss what it’s been like to navigate the apocalypse (COVID-19) and what I have done to “pivot” my business. In addition we go into some of the mental gymnastics surrounding helping our clients/athletes during this weird, weird time.

Give it a listen (what else are you going to do?)

Download/listen via iTunes – HERE

Spotify – HERE

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 12/14/18

Holy moley what a shit show.

We’ve had a sick toddler on our hands the past few days (hence the lack of content this week) and our apartment is basically a Petri dish of whateverthef*** at the moment.

He’s feeling better – and back at daycare – but, yeah, that wasn’t fun.

Anyhoo, lets get to this week’s list of stuff to read.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – 2019 Dates

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Check em out HERE.

2. Watch Me In Action

Ever wonder what it would look like to have me take you through an assessment?



[slams door]

Fast forward five hours….

A few months ago Adam Rees of GRIT Gym and his girlfriend, Rachel, stopped by CORE to hang out and to so that I could take a look at Rachel.

She had been having some hip issues and wanted me to take a look at her deadlift and squat.

A technique audit if you will.

They ended up making this video to document their experience.1

3. Appearance on The Strength Running Podcast

I was invited back onto the Strength Running Podcast hosted by Jason Fitzgerald.

It’s a on-going battle, but I do feel the tides are turning and that many runners are starting to understand the importance of strength training (and how it should serve to compliment their running).

Jason and I discuss a bevy of things in this episode, but we dial in on the deadlift and why it’s such an integral movement to learn.

Give it a listen HERE.





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In today’s edition of “shit I saw on the internet and am now going to steal it,” this is a deadbug variation that loosely mimics one I saw @vernongriffith4 perform using a @stickmobility . . The difference: . 1. I don’t have access to a @stickmobility , but instead am using a “bendier” PVC stick. . 2. I had @lilew13 (my wife) face the opposite direction because the stick was shorter. . This is a great way to really lock in the concept of the deadbug: stabilized spine while moving through the extremities. . Simply press the stick INTO the wall to engage the anterior core more. For those who struggle with this idea, the stick works like a charm. . And yes, before anyone asks, a band works well here too. However this is a nice option if you don’t have access to a band. . And, honestly, because you have to press into the wall (or the stick falls), I find this variation works better to get the abs to turn on. . ALSO: massive kudos to Lisa for making things awkward AF at the end.

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Gym Owner Musings – Installment #12 – Pete Dupuis

Pete’s stuff is always insightful, relatable, and not full of foo-foo BS.

If you’re a gym owner (or aspire to be), Pete is required reading.

10 Online Training Challenges No One Warns You About – Leigh Peele

With more and more fitness professionals opting to go the online route, it’s important to understand that there are some HARD truths to the lifestyle.

Read this post by Leigh.

And then read it again.

Nutrition Myths For Fat Loss Explained – Steve Bergeron

This is an excellent 3-part (but short read) series written by friend Steve Bergeron of AMP Fitness here in Boston. Plenty of practical and sane advice here.

Give it a read.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 5/5/16

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG….Captain America: Civil War opens today.

Not that I’m excited or anything.1

Lisa and I have to wait a little bit to go see it, but I already have out tickets for early Sunday morning. I can’t wait!

Wanna know what else I’m excited for? Our trip to Europe. We leave next Thursday for Prague for a week, followed by a trip to Norway/Sweden/Denmark for a week.

It’s pleasure mixed in with a little business.

Dean Somerset and I will be presenting our Complete Hip & Shoulder Workshop in both Prague and Oslo (ahem, spots still available), and the rest of the time will be spent visiting castles, taking in the scenery, and eating copious amounts of cheese.

Well, at least I will. Because that’s how I roll.

cheese tasting

My sister and I at a cheese tasting last summer in the Finger Lakes. Yes, I was THAT excited.

It’ll be my first trip onto “mainland” Europe – I’ve been to London once – and I can’t even begin to tell you the itinerary Lisa has in store for us. That said, if anyone has any suggestions on sights to see or delicious places to go eat in Prague, Oslo, Stockholm, or Copenhagen, please share them.

Oh, and keep your eyes peeled in the Miscellany section of the blog starting next week. Much like she did with our trip to Australia last year, Lisa will be writing a daily log detailing our musings, merriment, and libations.

And cheese. Lots and lots of cheese.

A Response to the New York Times Biggest Loser Study – Leigh Peele

The internet has been abuzz the past week or so with that latest story from the NY Times detailing contestants from the show The Biggest Loser and how their Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) was, for lack of a better term, fucking whack.

The study in question raised, well, a lot of questions….as well as the alarmists out there.

Leigh does a fantastic job of putting things into perspective.

Do Athletes Need More Anterior or Posterior Chain Work – Mike Robertson

Really liked this post by Mike.

Many coaches and trainers have been bamboozled into thinking that POSTERIOR chain work is the bees knees. And, it is.

As the saying goes, “you need to train ass to haul ass.”

However, Mike makes the case that maybe, kinda, sorta, we’ve been placing too much emphasis on the posterior chain. Powerlifters are a great example of athletes who are some of the strongest human beings on earth and rain their hamstrings and glutes like mad.

Do they really have weak posterior chains?

As Mike notes:

“Do you really have a posterior chain weakness issue? Or do you have an accessibility issue?”

In short: BOTH anterior and posterior chains need to be trained. It’s a silly argument to have, really. Much like when people argue over which is better or more important: bilateral lower body training or single-leg training, steady state cardio vs. HIIT, a light-saber or Mjolnir?

ALL are equally important (and baller).

Strength Faction – Todd Bumgardner & Chris Merritt

The resource and community that Todd and Chris have developed here is profound.

It’s simple:

“Strength coaching for Strength Coaches.”

Coaches need coaches too. Strength Faction is a wonderful way to learn from other coaches about assessment, program design, and all things strength coaching.

Follow a program (catered to YOU), be a part of a compassionate community, and learn from other coaches.

I had the the honor of being invited onto a group Q & A call last night where I spent an hour talking to members of the Faction. It was a delightful experience and as it happens, Todd and Chris are rearing up for the next go around of their group.

I suggest you look into it. You won’t be disappointed.

Some Other Stuff

1) In my most recent article on, I break down the bent over barbell row.

(Cue Jim Carrey’s voice from Dumb and Dumber)

I like it…..a lot.

2) I had the pleasure of taking part in the inaugural episode of The Fitcast Book Club on The Fitcast Network.

In Episode #1, Kevin Larrabee and I discuss Charles Duhigg’s latest book, Smarter, Faster, Better HERE.

3) Seriously, how adorable is my cat?

Ain’t nuthin but a g-thang.

A photo posted by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on


Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: I’m in NYC Edition

First things first:  I have to give a brief shout out to one John Romaniello and his new wife Mrs. Neghar (formerly Fonooni) Romaniello on their freshly minted nuptials.

I had the lovely honor of being invited to their wedding this past weekend (last night, actually) here in the Big Apple, and it was every bit as an amazing wedding, and night, as I had imagined it was going to be. The air was filled with a palpable vibe of love, laughter, and Star Wars references.

The tables were labelled not by something traditional like 1,2,3…. or maybe more appropriately (since we were in NYC) names of certain neighborhoods in and around the city.  No, no, no.

Rather, each table was named after a planet or location in the Star Wars universe.  I, along with Eric Cressey and wife Anna were part of the Felucia tribe. For those non-nerds out there, Felucia (see pic above) was a key planet in the Clone Wars, and because of its density of flora and fauna and other plant life, had strong ties to the Living Force.

But everyone knows that.

If that wasn’t cool enough, the Officiant of the wedding actually wore a Jedi Cloak during the ceremony.  A JEDI CLOAK!!!!!!! I wasn’t able to take a picture of it in the flesh, but this should give you a good idea of what it looked like:

The entire night was full of surprises (and amazing food) and at one point I was half expecting The Ultimate Warrior to come flying down the aisle and challenge the entire wedding party to an arm wrestling match.

Speaking of the wedding party (and guests), as you can imagine, the line-up (for lack of a better term) included a Who’s Who of the fitness industry. It was undoubtedly one of the “fittest” crowds ever put underneath one roof I don’t think I’ve ever seen more 500+ lb deadlifters at one wedding in my life.

Moreover, it was just great to catch up with old friends and finally meet a few others whom I’ve only conversed with via email or social media.

So now I’m here sitting in my hotel room crushing SportsCenter and writing this blog post – in a leopard bathrobe, thank you very much.

I’m going to be hanging out for the next two days visiting friends and a few family members, and I’ll also be making a few cameo appearances at Peak Performance and one of the Crunch Fitness gyms to do a couple of staff in-services.  I might also see how long I can go wearing a Red Sox hat before getting tackled on the street.  My bet is half the day.

And on that note, here’s some stuff to read….

But before I do that I just want to remind everyone that TODAY (September 30th) is the LAST DAY to take advantage of the early-bird registration for mine and Dean Somerset’s Edmonton Workshop.

We had a blast with our Boston seminar and wanted to bring it north, and are limiting it to 30 attendees. The downside is that we’re already halfway to selling out, but the good news is our early bird registration price of $399 is still on until TONIGHT at midnight (before Tuesday for those clock sticklers out there), after which the price jumps $100.

Along with the wicked weekend, we have continuing education credits for ACE, canfitpro, and the NSCA so trainers can keep up their certifications. We’ll also have some sweet give aways, door prizes, pony rides, and an intimate, hands on atmosphere that means you’ll walk away with a crazy amount of knowledge, experience, and direct access to Dean and I.

For more info, the itinerary, as well as sign-up direction go HERE.

Surviving Whole Foods – Kelly MacLean

This was an absolutely HILARIOUS write-up on the whole “Whole Foods” experience.  For anyone who routinely shops there you’ll be able to nod your head in agreement throughout.  For those who don’t, I think you’ll still get a big laugh.

The Deficit: How We Lose Fat – Leigh Peele

It’s just calories in vs. calories out, right?  It’s as simple as that, right?

Wrong!  There’s a bit more to it than that, and Leigh weighs in on a few things people may be glossing over.

9 Ideas to Improve Your Workouts – Dan John

When Dan John speaks, you should listen.  This is yet another gem from one of my favorite coaches and writers.


CategoriesFat Loss Nutrition

3 (Unorthodoxed) Reasons You Aren’t Getting Better at Lifting Heavy Things

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of the one and only Leigh Peele.  Leigh and I have known each other for about six years and in between co-hosting The FitCast together and exchanging numerous emails on Lord of the Rings philosophy we’ve grown to be good friends.

About two years ago Leigh kinda fell off the radar, and inexplicably went into stealth mode.  She and I lost touch, and in that time I moved in with my girlfriend, learned that wearing white past Labor Day is a big no-no, and became a cat owner while Leigh wrote a book.

A really good book.

Little did I know that the reason she “disappeared” was because she was knee deep in research and writing her butt off.

The end result?

Starve Mode: Explaining & Resetting Metabolic Problems That Can Come From Dieting.

Giving full disclosure:  The book was released a few weeks ago and I was a little late in the game and have only just begun reading it, but from what I have read thus far it’s a game changer.

Leigh truly outdid herself, and all the praise she has received from various fitness peeps – Tom Venuto, Jonathan Fass, Jen Sinkler, Nia Shanks, etc – is well deserved.

That said when Leigh extended the offer to write a little something for the site I happily agreed.  Not that she ever really left, but it’s great to have her back.


3 (Unorthodoxed) Reasons You Aren’t Getting Better At Lifting Heavy Things

Tony is known for many things. Mostly it’s wearing small t-shirts and lifting heavy s**t. [Note from TG:  Excuse me, I wear smedium sized shirts thank you very much.] When he asked me if I had any knowledge I wanted to relay I thought first about those small shirts, but then I thought about you guys – the readers.

From what I understand you are a hodge podge of age and gender who also like to lift heavy s**t. What I am going to talk to you about is a major roadblock I see for people who have this as a goal. I am going to help some of you get better at picking up and putting down heavy things.

The best way for me to help you? Pointing out your flaws of course! Below you will see three problems on your journey to getting stronger. I tried to bypass the standard advice or calling you a wimp.

Problem #1 – Your Aren’t Making The Act Of Picking Up Heavy Things Your #1 Priority

Funny isn’t it? You say it’s your goal. You talk about the importance of your goal, but it is the furthest thing from priority when you look at their actions. Trying to lose fat while lifting heavy things? Not such a good idea. Trying to achieve the record title of endurance in push-ups or performing a couch to 5K trial run?

Yep, this is not action towards your goals.

Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t as if you shouldn’t lift those weights while losing fat, but how long do you want to drag this fat loss thing out for? Pacing your fat loss with intelligent deficits and refeeds – yes. Dragging it out and training in a constant state of barely fed, binge lifts, and weight regain fear – no.

Can you have other training goals while lifting heavy things? Yeah, but maximum strength takes focused energy and effort. So give it some.

Problem #2 – You’re Trying To Get Strong Lifting in a Stunted or Decreased Metabolic State

I am not saying you can’t get strong when you aren’t feeding yourself. I’ve actually been amazed with what I have seen people do who were robbed of solid nutrition. But less surprised when they end up crashing, binging for months, collecting injuries and bone fractures – you know the fun side effects of lifting heavy things and not feeding for it.

You might think, “Isn’t this the same as number one?” No. It isn’t and I will tell you why.

A certain subset of the fitness population will avoid weight regain from fat loss or increase of weight in general at all cost. This happens even with men, but more in “not losing definition” than scale weight alone.

At any point and time we fall on a certain line of being underfed, fed (roughly for our needs) and overfed. Technically we never achieve a perfect balance but you see what I am getting at. When an individual becomes nervous of any weight rebound or truly fueling their metabolic potential, they eat more towards the “underfed” state on a constant basis.

It might not be an intended deficit, but it can lead to a downgraded metabolic activity. Recovery gets robbed, nutrients get robbed and the next thing you know you are praying to find a PR or any sign of progress.

Take home point: If you hadn’t tested your metabolic potential or understood the difference between weight gain and fat gain – get on it.

See what you can do when fed and rested.

Note from TG: For those looking to dig a little deeper, Starve Mode is a fantastic resource for that.

Problem #3 – Not Resting or Going With The Flow

You can only drive yourself so hard before you reap the “benefits” of doing so. Are you the inspiration for the memes on Facebook telling people their legs giving out is “just an excuse to use your arms?” Let me appeal to you on a corkier level on why you should work smarter, not harder.

Apollo Robbins is a master of pickpocketing and misdirection. He gave a fantastic TedTalk recently explaining how we can manipulate attention. I highly encourage you watch it.

What does this have to do with anything? You can steal someone’s wallet by beating them up, ripping their pocket and running for your life (and the cops) or you can misdirect their attention and with minimal physical effort.

And just as fast as you can say abracadabra – the wallet is yours.

Clearly both are illegal and morally corrupt, but both expend two different energies and stress levels to achieve the same goal.

Sure you might reach your goals doing four lifting sessions a week, lots “metabolic work,” restricting carbs, and eating “clean.” But what if you can achieve the same physical and strength goals using strategy, feed timing, and pacing yourself?

The true misdirection in a large part of the fitness community is thinking you have to grind yourself into the ground to get what you want.

Be it concepts like biofeedback or simply enjoying yourself in the gym again, get back to working smarter.


Talking Shop on The FitCast

So I had just finished doing all of my Sunday morning errands yesterday (laundry, grocery shopping, crushing bacon, what have you) and finally sat down to try to figure out what I wanted to accomplish for the rest of the day. I had a few things on tap.  For starters, I had to catch up on some writing. I also had a handful of  programs that needed to be completed, fine tuned, and sent out to clients so that they could start them today.

And, as is the case with every Sunday, I had to figure out which matinee I was going to go see. Frankly, once I had my “work” done for the day, I really had no set agenda other than to watch a movie (I ended up seeing Take This Waltz), maybe catch a little of the Olympics, touch base with Lisa on Skype (she’s off exploring in Europe for a month), and then spend the rest of the day vegging out.

I flipped open my laptop to check my emails really quick and noticed I had a message from Kevin Larrabee.

“Want to join Fass, Leigh and I for some podcasting at 6pm for like 25 minutes?

Like, whoa. I can’t even remember the last time I was on The Fitcast. I think Lost was still on the air, Paula was still a judge on American Idol, and Tebowing didn’t even exist.

Yeah, it had been a while.

So anyways, what was supposed to be a quick “25 minute” recording turned into an over two hour reunion of catching up, debauchery, and shenanigans.  Don’t worry the episode isn’t two hours long, and we also happened to squeeze in some health and fitness content too.

Among a few things we touched on:

– Breathing Patterns

– Internet Gurus

– Cressey Performance expansion

– My cat

The Dark Knight Rises (relax, no spoilers).

The episode is so chock full of awesome info and nuggets, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this happened:

Episode 240: Return of the Jedi

***This marks the first time I have ever been referred to as a Jedi.  This should happen more often.

It was great to be back!  Hope all of you enjoy it as well.