Holy moley what a shit show.

We’ve had a sick toddler on our hands the past few days (hence the lack of content this week) and our apartment is basically a Petri dish of whateverthef*** at the moment.

He’s feeling better – and back at daycare – but, yeah, that wasn’t fun.

Anyhoo, lets get to this week’s list of stuff to read.

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1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – 2019 Dates

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Check em out HERE.

2. Watch Me In Action

Ever wonder what it would look like to have me take you through an assessment?



[slams door]

Fast forward five hours….

A few months ago Adam Rees of GRIT Gym and his girlfriend, Rachel, stopped by CORE to hang out and to so that I could take a look at Rachel.

She had been having some hip issues and wanted me to take a look at her deadlift and squat.

A technique audit if you will.

They ended up making this video to document their experience.[footnote]Good thing I wore pants that day. Also, I’m if this isn’t nominated for Best Documentary at this year’s Oscars I’m going to be pissed.[/footnote]

3. Appearance on The Strength Running Podcast

I was invited back onto the Strength Running Podcast hosted by Jason Fitzgerald.

It’s a on-going battle, but I do feel the tides are turning and that many runners are starting to understand the importance of strength training (and how it should serve to compliment their running).

Jason and I discuss a bevy of things in this episode, but we dial in on the deadlift and why it’s such an integral movement to learn.

Give it a listen HERE.





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In today’s edition of “shit I saw on the internet and am now going to steal it,” this is a deadbug variation that loosely mimics one I saw @vernongriffith4 perform using a @stickmobility . . The difference: . 1. I don’t have access to a @stickmobility , but instead am using a “bendier” PVC stick. . 2. I had @lilew13 (my wife) face the opposite direction because the stick was shorter. . This is a great way to really lock in the concept of the deadbug: stabilized spine while moving through the extremities. . Simply press the stick INTO the wall to engage the anterior core more. For those who struggle with this idea, the stick works like a charm. . And yes, before anyone asks, a band works well here too. However this is a nice option if you don’t have access to a band. . And, honestly, because you have to press into the wall (or the stick falls), I find this variation works better to get the abs to turn on. . ALSO: massive kudos to Lisa for making things awkward AF at the end.

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Gym Owner Musings – Installment #12 – Pete Dupuis

Pete’s stuff is always insightful, relatable, and not full of foo-foo BS.

If you’re a gym owner (or aspire to be), Pete is required reading.

10 Online Training Challenges No One Warns You About – Leigh Peele

With more and more fitness professionals opting to go the online route, it’s important to understand that there are some HARD truths to the lifestyle.

Read this post by Leigh.

And then read it again.

Nutrition Myths For Fat Loss Explained – Steve Bergeron

This is an excellent 3-part (but short read) series written by friend Steve Bergeron of AMP Fitness here in Boston. Plenty of practical and sane advice here.

Give it a read.