I’ll be honest:  I was thiiiiiiiiiiis close to taking a slight “blogcation” the rest of the week. I figured since I’ll be bit preoccupied with stuffing my face with anything I can get my hands on for the next 48 hours, that most people would be in the same mindset and not really give a second thought to signing onto my site.

– Eating copious amounts of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and apple pie?  Check.

– Watching football till I can’t feel the right side of my face? Check.

– Check out Tony’s blog?  Come on…..isn’t there more apple pie to eat?

Don’t worry, my feelings aren’t hurt.  I know where I stand in the grand scheme of things.  You know, there was a time when you used to compliment me, tell me I looked nice, and used to be excited to see me. Made me feel special. But now, it’s like….it’s like I don’t even exist anymore.  It’s like I’m a ghost.

*tear rolls down cheek*

LOL – I’m just messing with you.  Thanksgiving is about family, friends, and turkey legs……the last think I expect you to do is check out my blog.  Have fun!  Be safe!  Enjoy!

But seriously, you used to compliment me.

I wasn’t going to write anything today (or tomorrow), but then I realized that Thanksgiving isn’t a universally celebrated holiday and that I’d be a huge jerk-face if I deprived the rest of the world my sage words….(Poop!).

Luckily enough I just had a new article go up on BodyBuilding.com that’s already gaining some steam (and I haven’t even publicized it yet!).

It’s on a topic that write about quite a bit – women and training.  This article has more of a “soap box” feel to it and is more of a rant than anything else, but I feel it sends a great message nevertheless.  Give it a look and let me know what you think.

Train the Same: Women Should Train Like Men (<—- Snaps finger in z-formation, Mmmmm-hmmmm)

PS: And on a (real) serious note:  I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone for their support over the past year. TonyGentilcore.com wouldn’t be what it is without the continued support of its readers and fan base and I wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving.