We’re entering the six week mark of 2014, and like millions of other people, on New Year’s Day you vowed to finally take advantage of the gym membership you purchased back in 2012, and make a go at this whole “get into shape thing.”

For real this time!

To help sweeten the pot and to hold yourself more accountable you even went out and bought a fancy new pair of shoes as well as the latest iteration of the iPod – and I hope to god you didn’t download any Nickleback songs.

You (or someone you know) decided no more of this gung-ho attitude for a few weeks in January only to become a statistic and putter out before Valentine’s Day.

Well, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner (Just a heads up fellas:  it’s this Friday), and while I don’t have to worry about many of you dropping the ball and rescinding on your (fitness) resolutions – you ARE reading a fitness blog – that doesn’t mean there aren’t some of you who are serial procrastinators and are slow to take action.  Or maybe more to the point, you know a friend, colleague, or family member who just needs a little nudge or sense of direction.

Understandably, and equally unfortunately, like many who are in the same situation and making their first legitimate effort to venture outside their comfort zone, some people feel a little overwhelmed, not to mention a tad lost, and the whole process of getting fit feels analogous to trying to do long division.

Who’s right and who’s wrong? High-rep vs. Low –rep training, steady state cardio vs. HIIT, high-carb/no-carb/intermittent fasting, CrossFit, and Yoga and ThighMasters….oh my!

I’m here to help.

I don’t like to marry myself to a set list of rules. I mean, if I want to parade around in Iron Man underwear with the windows wide open in my apartment, who’s to say that I can’t?

In my latest article for BodyBuilding.com, however, I provide three rules that most beginners should abide by when starting a workout program.

Moreover, I provide a simple, easy-to-follow 8-week program for beginners to help pave the way and point them in the right direction.

8-Week Beginner Workout

PS:  And for those looking for even MORE guidance – you can check out my Tony Gentilcore Premium Workout Group over on WeighTraining.com.

Here I provide a NEW workout every month (you’ll still have access to all past programs), which includes video tutorials, a “coming soon” discussion board where all participants will be able to interact with me, as well as a PRO membership to the WT.com website.