I don’t expect that my latest article on Stack.com is going to get a bunch of views or create any buzz** outside of those interested in improving their ability to throw a baseball, but at the very least it will give some insight into how we go about structuring our in-season training for baseball players.

More specifically for pitchers.

Continue Reading……

Note to Reader: I do make a brief comment (in the article) about why distance running is something I generally poo-poo for baseball players (or most athletes for that matter), and for those looking for more insight as to why I’d suggest reading THIS and THIS by Eric Cressey.

** Note to Self:  Unless I either 1) incorporate “Kate Upton” into the title or 2) put up a video of a cat straight up PWNING a dog.

Both scenarios are GOLD when it comes to generating traffic.

Unless you’ve been living underneath a rock for the past 48 hours…..did you see this shit??????

Unbelievable, and YAY for cats getting some respect!