A few housekeeping items before we begin.

1.  Can you freakin believe we’re two days away from June already?  This year is flying by!

2.  Lisa and I saw X-Men: Days of Future Past last weekend, and I have to say I liked it didn’t love it.  I still feel my favorite film in the series is X-Men: First Class with X2 right on its heels.

Don’t get me wrong, I was every bit as excited to go see this latest version (I was thiiiiiis close to buying a pair of toy Wolverine claws to wear to the theater, but Lisa put a stop to that thought immediately), we both enjoyed it and I’d have no issues with recommending it to everyone, but it just didn’t live up to First Class which I feel is what set the bar in the entire series.

I will give it props for one of the best overall scenes this year in any movie.  The scene where Quicksilver helps break Magneto out of jail is every nerds wet dream.

3.  Spots are going fast for mine and Dean Somerset’s Excellent Workshop in London this September.  Also, we finally locked down a location for the same workshop in Washington, DC this October….at Underground Athlete in Sterling, VA.

For more information on either of the two – price, itinerary, accommodations, whether or not shirts are optional – you can go HERE.

 Is Bacon Healthy?  Don’t be Stupid – Skip Hill

I love bacon as much as the next person.  It’s technically “Paleo,” and it’s gluten free – so it’s got those two things going for it.  What’s not to love?

But to say that it’s a “healthy” food, like many nutritional gurus are spewing out lately, is a bit extreme.

CrossFit: Movement, Strength, Skill, and Fitness – Todd Bumgardner

I respect Todd a ton as a coach, and it shouldn’t come as surprising that he and I think along the same lines on many topics.  I mean we’re both bald strength coaches, so we’re practically brothers!

I know the word “CrossFit” is generally seen as a click grabber, but I felt this was one of the best and more fair posts on the heated topic I’ve come across yet.

Bulletproof Athlete – Mike Robertson

I wrote a post earlier in week detailing how I’ve gone about tweaking my own programming now that I’m no longer 25.  I still act like I’m 25 mind you (boobies!!!!), but for the record I’m 37.

For those that missed it the first time around you can check it out HERE.

I had several guys reach out to me asking me if there were any programs out there on the internets that I’d recommend for those in the same boat.  Yes, Bulletproof Athlete.

As it happens I’m a FIRM believer that most people can (and should) still train like an athlete regardless of how old they are.  What it boils down to is where someone’s starting point is and making the appropriate progressions moving forward.

The cool thing about Bulletproof Athlete is that you can choose between different programs depending on your goals and needs:

– The Fat Burner
– The Weekend Warrior
– The Monster

And each program comes with an extensive video library on top of weekly nutritional and recovery challenges.  Put another way:  there’s some checks and balances involved, and it prevents guys (and girls!) from getting in their own way.

The even cooler thing is that Mike placed BPA on sale for $50 OFF the regular price for this week only.  Holla!

The sale actually ends THIS Sunday (6/1), so if there’s ever a time to give it a go, it’s now.

—-> Bulletproof Athlete <—-